Application Fee, Facility Review, 

& Assurance Sign-off

Prior to the program operating and final application approval, two final pieces are needed:

Application Fee

The application fee may be paid either by ACH payment or by credit card. Both payments can be completed online by following the steps below.

(Step 2) Enter the following information on the Make a Payment screen: first name, last name, address, and email address (required to receive a receipt).

Name, address, and email fields on the make a payment screen.

(Step 3) In the Agency section, select "Education" from the dropdown menu. Under Program ID, select "088 - AEDY Application - Private Program." Under amount, enter "1000.00." In Payment Reference, Enter the name of your AEDY Program (e.g., "AEDY Town Campus"). 

Agency, program ID, payment amount, and payment reference fields on the make a payment screen.

Up to 3 payments may be made at the same time in this portal. 

(Step 4) Leave the SAP Vendor Number section BLANK.

SAP vendor number field - leave this blank.

(Step 5) The total amount for payment will be calculated automatically. Use the radio buttons to select ACH or Credit Card payment, then click the Make Payment button.

Total amount, payment type radio buttons, and the make payment button.

Pay by ACH

(Step 6) The information entered on the previous page will auto-populate on ACH payment screen. Scroll to the section with the red asterisks and complete the following fields: type (savings/checking), routing number, account number, account number confirmation, check type (company/personal).

Next, check the "I am not a robot" box and click the Submit button at the bottom of the popup screen.

ACH information fields, reCAPTCHA box, and submit button.

Pay by Credit Card

A 2% fee will be charged for payments by credit card.

(Step 6) The information entered on the previous page will auto-populate on credit card payment screen. Scroll to the section with the red asterisks and complete the following fields: card number, expiration date, CVV.

The transaction amount is pulled from the previous page. The 2% fee and total amount will be automatically calculated.

Next, check the "I am not a robot" box and click the Submit button at the bottom of the popup screen.

credit card information fields, reCAPTCHA box, and submit button.

Facility Review

Facility reviews are a requirement prior to operation of an AEDY program and are also part of the regular cyclical monitoring cycle. A PDE/PaTTAN team member will reach out to your program to schedule the facility review walkthrough. During the walkthrough, begin where students enter the building and show the team member all areas of the building AEDY students access, including hallways, classrooms, counseling spaces, cafeteria, gym, etc. During the walkthrough, the team member will also need to see emergency exits, accessible ramps/elevators, and fire extinguishers.

Any issues found during the walkthrough will need to be remediated prior to the program site opening.

Assurance Letter Sign-off

Once your application has been approved, your LEA's Chief School Administrator (Superintendent, CEO, etc.) is asked to sign-off  on the assurance statement for the application. Follow the steps below to do this:

(Step 1) From the AEDY Dashboard, navigate to the Application table and click "Sign/View Assurance Letter," shown in a red box below, in the action column of the current application.

Application table from the AEDY dashboard.

(Step 2) Read the assurance statement in its entirety. Next, the CAO types their full name into the left text box as an electronic signature. Type the date into the right text box. Both text boxes are marked in red in the image to the right.

When completed, click the "Submit to PDE" button at the bottom of the screen.

Assurance letter statement and sign-off boxes.

(Step 3) To download a copy of the assurance letter, return to the assurance statement signature page (step 1), then click on the pdf icon at the top of the page next to the words "view assurance letter."

View assurance letter followed by a pdf icon.