Student Referrals & Roster Checks

The Leader Services system includes a *live* student referral system which should be kept up to date by both sending LEAs and AEDY programs. This page includes the start of a module on how to complete student referrals as well as information on completing roster checks during and at the end of the school year. 

A summary table of responsibilities for student referrals is included below for reference and to help navigate the module and determine where to best begin. When you complete the full referrals module, a self-quiz is available at the end to check your understanding.

*NEW* October 11, 2024: Under Eval Buttons

As of October 11, 2024, this new feature is available for all student referrals and *must* be answered for new referrals prior to submission to the AEDY program. Select the button below to access a one page pdf which reviews how to use this new feature.

Welcome back to the new school year! Looking to fix presumptive exit dates that are still marked as occurring over the summer? Select the button below for step-by-step instructions!

Sending LEAs are welcome to use the sample below to support the referral process in their buildings. Be sure to adjust the sample to fit your school's needs. We recommending assigning roles/responsibilities within your LEA to ensure the procedure is followed with fidelity. Users may find the table on the last page to be helpful in determining these roles and responsibilities. 

Student Referrals Overview

Referral Process Step 

Who is Responsible? 

When should this step occur? 

Sending LEA 

Once it is determined the student will be placed in an AEDY program. Referrals may be started before or after the informal hearing. If the hearing determines the student will not be placed in AEDY, deactivate the referral. 

Sending LEA 

When the student referral is complete with all information needed. 

AEDY Provider

After a referral has been sent to your program, reviewed, and determined that AEDY is an appropriate placement for the student and verified all needed documentation has been received. 

AEDY Provider

As soon as the student's date of placement (the first day the student is seated in the program) has been set. Ensure the date aligns with child accounting. 

AEDY Provider

Within 5 days of placement, the initial FPR must be completed. The initial FPR should be uploaded to the Leader Services system as soon as possible.

AEDY Provider

After a formal periodic review has taken place and it's determined if the student will continue placement with another 45-day presumptive exit date OR it's determined that the student has met their behavioral goals and will transition/exit out of placement. 

Sending LEA

After the student has completed their transition/exit and is fully back at the sending LEA with any continuing supports in place. 

Special Cases

Referral Process Step 

Who is Responsible? 

When should this step occur? 

Sending LEA and AEDY Program

If, while currently seated, a student's behavior meets the criteria to send to AEDY, this is a secondary incident. 

Sending LEA

If, while currently seated, a student's current grade level changes (e.g. student was seated as a 10th grader and is now an 11th grader), the Sending LEA can adjust the student's grade level at any time.

Sending LEA

This can only be done before a referral is submitted to the AEDY program. Referrals should be deactivated if the student was never seated in the AEDY program after the referral was started.

Sending LEA

ONLY when the student is changing home districts or AEDY providers while currently in an AEDY placement. This is NOT to be used to move the referral between LEA and Program.

Roster Checks

Referral Process Step 

Who is Responsible? 

When should this step occur? 

AEDY Program

At the beginning of each school year, the AEDY program should complete a roster check to ensure the rolls are accurate and adjust the presumptive exit dates to account for the summer break. This is sometimes referred to as the "Summer Rollover."

Sending LEA and AEDY Program

Roster checks should occur on a regular basis to verify that the Leader Services system is accurate and up-to-date for all students seated in AEDY.

Sending LEA and AEDY Program

An end of year roster check should occur annually prior to completing EOY reporting in Leader Services. This verifies all referrals are up-to-date and complete with no missing files.