What is AEDY?

An AEDY Program is a program approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) to provide a temporary placement for disruptive students in grades 6 through 12. Students placed in an AEDY Program continue to make academic progress towards graduation and work to remedy disruptive behavior through counseling and other behavioral interventions. AEDY placements are used only as a last resort, after all other behavioral interventions have failed to remedy the student’s disruptive behavior(s).

When can a student be placed in an AEDY program?

Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) programs are temporary placements for students in grades 6-12 whose behavior(s) meet one or more of the criteria below to a marked degree:

Importantly, truancy is no longer an acceptable reason for placement in an AEDY program.

How can our LEA locate an approved AEDY program?

A map of approved AEDY providers and Sending LEAs with approved applications can be found embedded in our home page or by clicking here

What does our LEA need to do in order to place a student in an approved AEDY program?

To refer a student to an approved AEDY provider, every sending LEA must:

The following requirements must be observed and documented through the AEDY Student Referral Process:

How long is a typical AEDY placement?

AEDY is a temporary placement for students. When a student enters an AEDY program, a presumptive exit date of 45 school days is created for the student. At the 45 day Formal Periodic Review (required for all students in placement), the team will meet to determine if the student has met their individualized, measurable behavioral goal. This goal determines if the student will begin exit/transition out of the AEDY program. Read more about the Formal Periodic Review process here.

How does AEDY work?

Entering AEDY

The student's behavior must meet one or more of the criteria below to a marked degree:

Importantly, truancy is no longer an acceptable reason for placement in an AEDY program. Students may not remain in AEDY placement as the result of truancy.

In the Program

AEDY Programs may only be used when all other established methods of intervention and/or discipline have been exhausted.

Programs provide a temporary removal for students in grades 6-12.

Students must receive:

Exiting AEDY

Students exit AEDY Programs when their behavioral goals are met. During the formal periodic review meeting, a transition/exit plan is created that explains the length of the transition period and the supports that will be provided for the student throughout the transition process.

What supports are available to students while placed in AEDY programs?

AEDY Programs provide a variety of supports for students based on their individual needs. During the first formal periodic review meeting, families are encouraged to provide information that will help the review team to plan for specific supports for students.

Specific supports/Interventions may include:

What is the Formal Periodic Review?

A formal periodic review (FPR) occurs no later than 45 days into a student’s placement in AEDY. The review team includes general education teachers, counselors, administrators, AEDY representatives, home school district representatives, parent(s)/guardian(s), and the student.

The meeting requires a discussion surrounding the individual student’s:

After reviewing the information, the team revises or plans for the opportunity for student success. This may include revising the goal(s) or increasing supports for the student. Once the review team determines the student has met their required behavioral goals, the team will develop an individualized exit plan for the student.

Learn more about the Formal Periodic Review process here.

Contact Us

The PDE AEDY team can be reached by emailing RA-EDAEDY@pa.gov.

Reach the PaTTAN AEDY Team either by emailing your point of contact directly or by emailing aedy@pattan.net