Students with Disabilities & English Learners
Students with disabilities (IEP, 504, and thought to be ) and English Learners require additional supports and policies to ensure they have the same chance to succeed as their peers. The resources below provide guidance on these supports and policies as related to disciplinary removals and AEDY programming.
Be sure to also check out the resources available on the PaTTAN website for supporting these groups of students.
A review of Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) requirements for placing a student with a disability (IEP, 504, and thought to be) in an AEDY program.
Learn how to write and implement an English Learner - Individual Language Learner Plan (EL-ILLP) in any educational setting.
Supports and guidance provided by the Office of Special Education Programs (part of the US Department of Education).
Learn how to write and implement an English Learner Plan (EL Plan) to ensure the provision of English Learner services in your LEA and AEDY program. This module focuses on program- and district-wide plans.
Learn more about how to prepare students and families for the WIDA ACCESS Test and interpret the results.
Presented by Dr. Carol Clancy, learn about the intersection of AEDY and Special Education procedures.