The Formal Periodic Review for Families

While your student is seated in AEDY, you will be asked to participate in the Formal Periodic Review (FPR) process through a series of meetings. The resources below will help you understand what AEDY is and how the program will support your student's needs. Access the resources by clicking on the buttons below. Then, watch the video (or read the transcript by clicking on the collapsed content underneath the video) to learn more about the FPR.

Beneath the FPR video, you will find more resources to support your student's behavior. Looking for something more specific? Ask your AEDY program or home school staff for support or use the search bar in the top right corner of this website to explore more resources for AEDY.

Resources for Families & Guardians

The Formal Periodic Review for Families

Video Transcript - click to open

Your student has just been placed in AEDY. You probably have questions. This short video will provide some guidance as you navigate through this temporary placement.

[upbeat music]

AEDY is a temporary discipline placement for 6th through 12th grade students that have committed infractions that meet the placement criteria. While in AEDY, students receive instruction towards academic progress as well as other interventions, including weekly counseling.

Once your student is placed, you become part of a team that will help to support the student from intake until their exit back to their home school. This team consists of the following members: the student, parent/guardian(s) or other family member, administrator from the AEDY program such as the program director, administrator from home school or sending school such as the assistant principal or principal, counselor, teacher(s), special education representation (if applicable), and other staff members such as a school psychologist, mentor, EL teacher, or social worker.

This team is commonly referred to as the FPR team and YOU are one of the most valuable members with valuable insight on the student. The FPR team holds the meetings where student progress is discussed. FPR stands for Formal Periodic Review. It's important that representation from both the sending school and the AEDY program are present at every FPR meeting.

There are three types of FPRs: The Initial FPR which in some cases is referred to as the intake meeting, but could be two separate meetings; the 45 day review which occurs every 45 days, beginning after the first FPR meeting; and the exit. At the last FPR, prior to returning back to the home school, where you will discuss the student's exit plan. But the same form or document is used for all three. Let's take a look at the FPR and how you can participate.

The program and sending school will already have much of the demographic information. This will include the primary reason for placement as well as if the student was expelled. If they are expelled, make sure everyone is aware of the return date. When students are expelled, formal periodic reviews are still conducted every 45 days.

The AEDY program and home school should also collaborate to conduct a behavior assessment. The team may ask for your input as part of this assessment.

Next, they will lay out their supports or interventions that will be offered to the student. They may refer to Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 supports. Tier one supports are what ALL students receive. This includes a behavior assessment, and two and a half hours of weekly counseling, and instruction that aligns with state standards. Tier two and Tier three supports are more individualized and will depend on the needs of your student. Asking the team what interventions your student will receive can help you to understand the supports.

The FPR team will set a goal or goals for your student. These goals are based on the behavior assessment and the behavior of concern. The goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Again, you know the student best, so add in input to the goals. Ask questions such as how you will know if your student is on track to meet their goals? Or how will the program keep you informed on their progress?

Academic and attendance information will also be reviewed. Here, you can ask how the program will ensure your student will make academic progress. If your student is in grades 9-12, the program and the home school will keep track of your student’s credits.

At every meeting there will be a section for family and student input. This is a chance to add in your feedback based on your perspectives.

After the first 45 days and consecutive review meetings, the team will determine if your student will stay or remain in placement. This decision is based on whether or not they met their goal or goals, which is why it is so important to have attainable and measurable goals. If the data indicates and the FPR team agrees the goal was not met, the FPR team should consider adjustments to the interventions and/or goals. 

If your student DOES meet their goal or goals, the team will begin an exit plan for a successful transition back to their home school. This will include providing all of the information on academic progress and credits earned as well as strategies and supports that were successful while the student was in placement. Take an opportunity here to ask questions about what supports were successful and how they can be replicated back in the home school.

The team will ask you to sign the FPR. If you are not able to attend in person, your program may accommodate a phone or virtual meeting.

We hope this video helps to understand how you can stay involved with your student's progress in AEDY and beyond. For more information on AEDY, please see our AEDY Parent Brochure or go to

A video has also been created for your student to walk them through the process and help them prepare for the FPR meeting. A link to the video is available below.

Click the button below to view the FPR for Students

Additional Resources for Families