Site Map

The links below showcase all pages included in this website. Use the table of contents immediately below to jump between header sections on this page. 

If you're looking for something specific and aren't sure where to find it, try using the Search feature in the top right corner of the website (🔍 icon). Still can't find what you need? Contact us here.

End of Year Reporting


In-House Programs COMPLETE NOW

Private Programs COMPLETE NOW

*Note this section only appears in the navigation panel near the end of each school year, when it is needed. However, these pages will always appear in search results.


Sending LEA Applications

Application Cycle FAQs

Access your Application

Contact Information

Complaint Process

English Learner Teachers

English Learner Plans

Completing the Sending LEA Application

Choosing AEDY Program(s)

Submit Application & Assurance Sign-Off

Self Quiz: Sending LEA Applications

In-House Program Applications

Application Cycle FAQs

Access your Application

Contact Information

Complaint Process

English Learners

Completing the Contact Information Page

Access the Program Details & Edit Site Details

Partnerships & Licenses

Program Academics & Design


Positive Behavioral Supports & Program Formal Periodic Review

Program Evaluation Data

Submit Application

Application Fee, Facility Review, & Assurance Sign-Off

Self Quiz: In-House Program Applications

Private Provider Applications

Access your Application

Contact Information

Complaint Process

English Learners

Completing the Contact Information Page

Access the Program Details & Edit Site Details

Partnerships & Licenses

Program Academics & Design


Positive Behavioral Supports & Program Formal Periodic Review

Program Evaluation Data

Submit Application

Application Fee, Facility Review, & Assurance Sign-Off

Self Quiz: Private Provider Applications

Grant or Deny Access to Sending LEAs

AEDY for Sending LEA Administrators

The Formal Periodic Review

Formal Periodic Reviews for Students

Formal Periodic Reviews for Families

Formal Periodic Reviews for Sending LEAs

Formal Periodic Reviews for AEDY Programs

Student Referrals & Roster Checks

Student Referrals (Start Student Referrals Module)

Create a New Student Referral

Submit a Student Referral

Accept/Reject a Student Referral

Determine/Adjust the Student's Presumptive Exit Date

Upload Initial Formal Periodic Review

Continue Placement OR Exit/Transition Student

Close Out a Student Referral

Self Quiz: Student Referrals

Secondary Incidents

Adjust a Student's Current Grade Level

Deactivate a Student Referral

Transfer a Referral to a Different LEA/Provider

Roster Checks During the School Year

Roster Checks at the End of the School Year

Secondary Incidents