English Learners - Individual Language Learner Plans (EL-ILLPs) for AEDY Programs
The short webinar series provides a step-by-step walkthrough example of the sections of the AEDY English Learner’s Individual English Language Learner Plan (EL-ILLP) for students who are English Learners, highlighting recent changes made across documentation. A blank EL-ILLP template document with resources for use in planning for individual students during placement in AEDY is available by clicking on the button below.
A self-quiz is available at the end of the page to test your knowledge of EL-ILLPs.
Part 1: Writing an EL-ILLP
A copy of the slides for this part of the presentation is available by clicking on the button below.
Part 2: Implementing an EL-ILLP
A copy of the slides for this part of the presentation is available by clicking on the button below.
Part 3: Decoding ACCESS Results
A copy of the slides for this part of the presentation is available by clicking on the button below.
Part 4: Creating an EL-ILLP
A copy of the slides for this part of the presentation is available by clicking on the button below.
Part 4 Resources
PA ELL Overlays Guide for Literacy [item revised by PDE]
Grade 6-8 Framework for Formative/Classroom Instruction and Assessment in Language Arts
WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition Kindergarten - Grade 12