
October 2, 2024

My how the time flies - it's already October! Here are the top 3 things for AEDY this month:

1. Document Check-In: Are you using the latest version? 

In the last 5 years, the PaTTAN Team has produced quite a few documents to support the field. Be sure you are using the latest version by checking against the versions below. Each current version is linked for your convenience:

Formal Periodic Review Template (6.14.2023)

Sample Formal Periodic Review Procedure (3.20.2024)

English Learner - Individual Language Learning Plan (EL-ILLP) Template (Aug. 2022)

Sample AEDY Program Student Referral Intake Checklist (March 2024)

AEDY Parent Brochure - English and Spanish (Nov. 2021)

Sample Sending LEA AEDY Referral Procedure (5.23.2023)

2. Coming Up 📆

(AEDY Community of Practice) This year, our AEDY Communities of Practice will use breakout rooms for participants to discuss challenges and share success stories from their AEDY Programs and LEAs. Participants will have the opportunity to select one of four topics during each session. Highlights and notes from each room will be shared at the end of each meeting. Register here for the session on October 17, 2024, 10am - 11am

(Navigating Trauma: Brain/Body Pathways to Foster Emotionally Regulated and Resilient Students) This training demonstrates the difference in brain functioning between traumatized and non-traumatized individuals when a trigger causes the perception of threat (whether real or not). It focuses on a two pathway Road Resilience Model that includes the "Eight Essentials" that foster secure relationships that help students feel safe and daily practices that foster interoceptive intelligence to increase emotional regulation, focus, and empathy. Register here for the session on November 6, 2024, 1pm - 1:30pm. Act 48 credit is available!

For a full calendar of events relevant to the AEDY field, check out the AEDY Calendar.

3. Resource Reminder: The Formal Periodic Review

*NEW* Summer 2024 - The Formal Periodic Review module is a series of 4 short videos from different lenses: AEDY Programs, Sending LEAs, Families, and Students. Each video looks at what the Formal Periodic Review (FPR) is and what responsibilities each role plays in the meetings. Get started here on our website!

Note: this series replaces the module A Comprehensive Look at the Formal Periodic Review, which has been retired. 

September 3, 2024

Welcome back! As you get into the swing of the new school year, here are the top 3 things for AEDY!

1. Welcome New AEDY Programs! 🏫

New, approved AEDY programs have been opening state wide during the last school year and over the summer, here's all the sites that were approved since the last emailed update:

Thinking about opening an AEDY Program? Here are 5 Things to Consider and step-by-step guides to Applications with resources! View the full map of AEDY programs.

2. Coming Up 📆

(Student Referrals Trainings) A full review of the AEDY Referrals system in Leader Services/IMS! For both Sending LEAs and AEDY Programs. Click the dates below to register for each session:

(From Screening to Intervening: Evidence-Based Interventions for At-Promise Youth) Presented by Dr. Kate Parker. Act 48 Credit available. Register here! View Dr. Parker's 2023 webinar, Planning for Success: Efficient and Effective Behavioral Screening and Intervention.

(AEDY Goal Writing Training) Come with your goal writing team and continue developing your skills for writing student goals! These trainings will walk your team through guiding questions, tips, and considerations for writing behavioral goals for students seated in AEDY. Register here for the session on October 1, 2024, 2pm - 3:30pm.

For a full calendar of events relevant to the AEDY field, check out the AEDY Calendar.

3. Reminder: Update Contact Information and IMS Logins

For ALL Sending LEAs and AEDY Programs, this is your reminder to please access the application in Leader Services and:

As a reminder, the PDE/PaTTAN team no longer has access to revise account information. Accounts can ONLY be updated, added, or removed by the LEA or Program's CAO. More information here.

August 5, 2024

The new school year is right around the corner! Here are 4 important things to get you on the right track 🚂

1. 2024-2025 Referrals Rollover 📋

For AEDY Programs - the rollover is here! Add the start and end dates for your 2024-2025 school year, then make corrections for the Presumptive Exit Dates (PEDs) of students who will be starting the school year seated in your program. A full set of instructions is available here on the website.

2. *NEW* AEDY for Sending LEAs 🏫

A new, updated video for sending LEA staff and administrators that reviews the essentials of AEDY in just 9 minutes! A great place to start for new staff. Click here to watch the video!

3. *NEW* The Formal Periodic Review Video Series 📹

A series of 4 short videos has been created from different lenses: AEDY Programs, Sending LEAs, Families, and Students. Each video looks at what the Formal Periodic Review (FPR) is and what responsibilities each role plays in the meetings. Click here to get started!

Note: this series replaces the module A Comprehensive Look at the Formal Periodic Review, which has been retired.

4. 2024-2025 Training Calendar 📆

Good news! AEDY Training for the 2024-2025 school year is now available for registration - See it all on the website here! Most registration links are already available for your team so be sure to share around! 

For a full calendar of events relevant to the AEDY field, check out the AEDY Calendar available here.