Behavior Instruction

While we often assume in secondary education that students know what behavior is appropriate for school, the truth is that many students have never received instruction on this topic. The resources on this page provide advice and access for educational staff to support students in their need for direct instruction in behavior.

Are you feeling the effects of this pandemic? Well, you are not alone. Let's explore how mindfulness can be leverages as a tool to support you and those around you. We will discuss what mindfulness is, the possible benefits of a practice, and we will spend time experiencing mindfulness in two ways - for you as an adult and for you as an educator sharing it with students. We must also specifically explore how mindfulness can be utilized in this moment to develop skills to help us through the pandemic.

Participants will learn and understand the origins of restorative justice practices from the indigenous practices to the criminal justice system. Participants will also understand how RJ is applied in a school context, particularly in Oakland Unified School District in Oakland, CA; they will then make meaning of the lessons learned and identify next steps for their unique context. Building into the use of restorative circles/meetings, which is the implementation step of RJ in Schools.

AEDY Office Hour October 21, 2021.

(PaTTANpod) Join Dawn Durham (PaTTAN) and Dr. Tim Knoster (McDowell Institute) as they discuss evidence-based practices for AEDY Programs. Several "grab-and-go" strategies are provided along with resources mentioned in the 27-minute video.

When a student’s behavior is interfering with his/her learning or the learning of others, a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is used to identify problem behaviors and develop interventions to improve or eliminate those behaviors. The procedural steps in conducting a FBA require focused teaming, precise behavioral tracking, and targeted interventions to best support the student in all intended educational settings. Intervention fidelity and progress monitoring are additional key factors that effectively link the socially appropriate replacement behaviors to student-level Positive Behavior Supports.