English Learner Plans

Q: If the English Learner Plan for our program was approved in the previous application cycle, do we need to upload it again?

A: No - you only need to check the box found under the EL Service Plan upload box labeled "I/We confirm that the current uploaded programmatic EL service plan will carry over to the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years."

Assurance statement checkbox

Q: If we made changes to our LEA plan after it was approved in the previous application cycle, should we upload the new plan?

A: Yes - adjustments and changes will be reviewed by an English Learner consultant before the new application is approved. Follow the steps outlined below to upload the new document and do not check the carry over box. The previous plan may either be deleted or left in place.


Q: Who should have an English Learner Plan on file?

A: Everyone! All sending LEAs and AEDY Programs are required to have a LEA- or program-specific English Learner plan.


Q: If our LEA contracts with an Intermediate Unit or neighboring LEA to provide the English as a Second Language certified teacher, should we use their English Learner Plan?

A: No - every LEA must have their own *LEA-specific* English Learner Plan. However, in this case, the English Learner plan would include information detailing how these parties will work together to provide services.


Q: If we send to an AEDY program that provides the English as a Second Language certified teacher, should we use the program's English Learner plan?

A: No - every LEA must have their own *LEA-specific* English Learner Plan. In this case, the LEA's English Learner plan should detail how the LEA and program will work together to provide services.


Q: If our LEA already has an English Learner plan, can we use that?

A: Yes! Check to make sure your English Learner plan covers all the required components and make any edits necessary before submitting. Consider adding a section on English Learner students in AEDY placements before you submit.

What's Required in an English Learner Plan

There are six components to an English Learner plan:

Each of these components is outlined in the template document and discussed in the video below. Before you watch the video, access the template document by clicking on the button below or downloading it through your Leader Services application.

See the English Learner Services page for more supports and information.

How to Upload your English Learner Plan

On the Contact Information page of your application, scroll to the section "Upload English Learner Service Plan." Click the button "Choose File" (letter A in the image below) and select the file from your computer. Then click the "Upload" button to the right (letter B in the image below) to upload the file.

Upload box for the EL service plan.

If you had previously uploaded a file, you can choose to delete it by clicking the "Delete" button on the file's row (letter C in the image above). 

If your LEA's English Learner plan was approved in the previous application cycle and the plan is still in effect, check the box labeled "I/We confirm that the current uploaded programmatic EL service plan will carry over to the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years" and do not upload a new EL plan.

Assurance statement checkbox

Individualized English Learner Plans

Q: What is an EL-ILLP?

A: An English Learners - Individual Language Learner Plan (EL-ILLP) is like an IEP but for English Learner services. It's a plan that outlines all the services provided to the individual learner. All services outlined in a student's plan should continue during placement in an AEDY program.


Q: Do I need to upload a sample EL-ILLP as part of the application?

A: No - we are providing you with a template for your use, but you do not need to upload the document as part of your application. You *will* need to include the components of the EL-ILLP in the referral for a student who has been identified as a current English Learner (see the Student Referral module for more information).

You can access the model EL-ILLP template by clicking on the button below. Be sure to download the template and save it to your computer for future use!

See the Students with Disabilities & English Learners page for more information and instruction!