Close Out a Student Referral

After a student has completed their exit/transition (whether it was successful or not), the referral should be transitioned back to the sending LEA (see previous page) and then must be Closed Out to complete the student referral cycle.

Watch the video below for an overview of how to close a student referral. Below the video, you'll find FAQs and written out step-by-step instructions with screenshots.

Q: How can I confirm that the student's referral was Closed?

A: You can view all closed student referrals from the Close Referrals page. See the instructions at the bottom of the page for how to access it.

Close a Student Referral

Follow the steps below to close out a student's referral:

(Step 1) From the student referral dashboard, click the blue number in the box marked "Referrals in 'Post-Placement'." This will open a table with all students of this status.

Student referral buckets with a red box around the referrals in post-placement box

*Note that student referrals now go directly from "In Placement" to "Post-Placement" as of late September 2022. The "Transitioning back to LEA" bucket will be removed once all referrals have been adjusted to their corrected "Post-Placement" status. All referrals still need to be closed once the student is returned to the LEA.

(Step 2) Click "View/Edit Referral" in the Options column of the student's row to begin closing the referral. This process will need to be repeated for each student's referral.

referrals at LEA in post placement table with a red box around the view/edit referral button

(Step 3) Use the navigation panel on the left side of the screen to navigate to the Outcomes section of the student's referral.

navigation panel with a red box around the outcomes button

(Step 4) Complete the post placement information screen as follows:

First, use the radio buttons to identify the outcome of the student's exit/transition (letter A in the image below). If the outcome is not listed, choose "Other" and use the text box to explain the situation.

post placement page. Letter A is the general outcomes radio button section. Letter B is the textbox for date student returned to gen ed setting. Letter C is the radio buttons for the final outcome. Letter D is the yes/no buttons for whether the student was identified as special education as part of the intake review or while in the program.

The exit/transition begin date was set by the AEDY Provider. Set the exit/transition end date, labeled "Date Student Returned to Gen. Ed. Setting" using the text box (letter B in the image above). 

Then, use the radio buttons at the bottom of the box to indicate if the student successfully transitioned/exited to the regular education setting or returned to AEDY program for additional support and intervention (letter C in the image above).

Finally, click either Yes or No button to indicate whether the student was identified as special education as part of the intake review or while in the program.

When the Outcomes screen is completed, click the "Save & Go To Next Section" at the bottom of the page.

save and go to next section button

(Step 5) If not already there, use the navigation bar on the left side of the screen to navigate to the student's Demographics page. Then click "Close This Referral" at the bottom of the navigation panel.

navigation panel with a red box around the demographics button and another around the close this referral button

(Step 6) Use the check boxes to mark to whom at the AEDY program the confirmation email should be sent. Use the text boxes to enter any additional email addresses to whom the confirmation email should also be sent.

When the email fields are complete, click the "Close and Lock this Referral" button at the bottom of the box.

close referral page with a red box around the close and lock this referral button

View Closed Student Referrals

The closed referrals page is only available to Sending LEAs and In-House AEDY programs. Follow the steps below to access it:

(Step 1) From your LEA or In-House Dashboard, select "Referrals Created by your LEA."

LEA dashboard with a red box around the referrals created by your LEA button

(Step 2) There will be a box on the far right labeled "Closed Referrals." Click on the blue "Closed" text in this box to view a list of all closed student referrals.

student referral buckets with a red box around the closed referrals box

(Step 3) View any closed student referral by clicking on the blue "View Closed Referral" text in the row for any student on the list. Because the referral is closed, you will not be able to make any changes.

closed referral table with a red box around the view closed referral button

Q: If a student referral is marked as closed and the student is being referred to AEDY again, can I re-open the closed referral?

A: No. A new referral must be completed every time a student is referred to an AEDY program. See the Secondary Incidents page for more information.