Deactivate a Student Referral

If a student referral was started, but the student was never seated in an AEDY Program, the referral should be Deactivated by the Sending LEA. Follow the steps below to complete the process:

(Step 1) Access the student's referral from the "In Process" section of the student referral system.

student referrals buckets with a red box around the referrals in process box.

(Step 2) From the Demographics page of the referral (the first page you will see), click "Deactivate this student referral" in the top left of the referral box.

student referral demographics page with a red box around the deactivate this referral button

(Step 3) On the De-activation page, use the drop-down menu to select a reason the referral is being deactivated. If additional explanation is needed (e.g. selecting "Other" from the list), use the provided text box. Then, click the "Continue" button at the bottom of the box.

deactivate this referral page

(Step 4) As a second verification, you will see a yellow box to confirm the deactivation. To finalize the deactivation, click the "Deactivate Referral" button. Clicking the "Cancel" button will erase the deactivation data and cancel the process.

yellow box to verify referral deactivation