Adjusting Presumptive Exit Dates to Account for the Summer Break
Annually over the summer break, AEDY programs are required to adjust the presumptive exit dates for all students who will be remaining in placement at the start of the new school year in the fall. Notably, these students' presumptive exit dates will be listed as occurring during the summer months until these adjustments are made.
To account for the summer rollover, first set your start and end dates for the school year. Then, adjust the presumptive exit date (P.E.D.) for each student who will start the school year in AEDY. Follow the steps below to complete this process OR download a printable PDF version by clicking on the button below.
Set School Year Start and End Dates
(Step 1) Access your student referral dashboard (for in-house programs, click on "Referrals created by another LEA and sent to your in-house program, Click here to Maintain Calendar"). From this page, you will see a reminder "You need to set the school year begin and end dates for this school year. Click here to see those dates." Click on the last sentence (in blue) to adjust the dates.
(Step 2) In the box that opens, use the calendar tools to set the begin and end dates for the current school year. When you are finished, click the button labeled "Save School Year Begin and End Dates."
You will see the confirmation message "Begin and End dates have been successfully saved." Click the OK button to continue.
Adjust Presumptive Exit Dates to Account for the Summer Break
Note that this process will ONLY apply for students whose Presumptive Exit Dates occur during the summer break entered into the Manage Calendar section of Leader Services.
(Step 1) Access the "Student Referral Index" (Private Providers) or "Referrals Created by your LEA" (In-House providers). In-House AEDY Providers will need to repeat these steps for "Referrals Created by Another LEA and sent to your In-House program."
(Step 2) Click on the blue number in the box "Referrals In Placement."
(Step 3) For EACH student with a Presumptive Exit Date (P.E.D.) which occurs over the summer break, click "View/Edit Referral."
(Step 4) Within the referral, navigate to the Placement page using the panel on the left side of the screen.
(Step 5) If the PED occurred over the summer, an orange button will appear at the top of the page. Click the "PED has an error that needs your attention" button.
Note: This button will NOT appear if you have not yet set your school year start and end dates (see above for instructions).
(Step 6) A popup will appear to confirm the current and corrected PEDs. To confirm the correction, click "Correct PED" at the bottom.
If there is an error, contact your AEDY point of contact with the PA Secure ID and corrected date ASAP.