FSA 5: English Learners in AEDY Programs
"English Learners" or "ELs" refers to students who have been determined to be Limited English Proficient or Non-English Proficient and thus require language assistance services "to overcome language barriers that impede [their] equal participation in instructional programs."
AEDY Programs accepting ELs have the faculty and materials necessary to provide adequate and appropriate language assistance services that teach ELs English in all four language domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), provide meaningful access to their grade-level core content instruction, and implement individualized plans to outline instruction based on the students' needs.
A teacher who provides specialized English language development instruction (also known as English as a Second Language or ESL) and who provides a grade for the English Language Development (ELD) instruction either in a content class setting or a separate setting must hold a PA Instructional I or II Certificate AND the ESL Program Specialist Certificate. AEDY Programs accepting ELs provide EL services by utilizing teachers who hold ESL Teaching Credentials and use materials that are appropriate for the ELs' ages and levels of English proficiency.
AEDY Programs provide LEP Parents of students in AEDY Programs adequate translation and interpretation services.
Resources for English Learners
Required Uploads
Upload procedures that outline how translation, transcription, and/or interpretation services are provided
Upload Individualized (student-level) EL Plan template (EL-ILLP)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who needs an EL-ILLP?
A: All students identified as current English Learners are required to have an EL-ILLP provided by the Sending LEA as part of the referral process. The AEDY program should review the EL-ILLP as part of the intake process, ensuring everything outlined in the plan can be successfully implemented in the AEDY setting.
Q: Can the EL-ILLP look different for students who are dually identified as both English Learners and students with disabilities?
A: Yes - for students who are dually identified, we recommend sending LEAs use the English Learners Annotated IEP Companion Checklist (writable version available here) to ensure the student's IEP includes everything the student needs to succeed. In this case, the checklist can be uploaded in place of the EL-ILLP and all services outlined in the IEP.
Q: How is the EL-ILLP different from the EL Plan in our application?
A: There are two types of English Learner plans - a programmatic plan, called the English Learner Plan or EL plan, and an individualized plan, called the English Learner Individual Language Learner Plan or EL-ILLP. An approved English Learner plan is required as part of the application process. This plan is a program- or district-wide plan which outlines the provision of services for ALL students identified as English Learners. This plan also identifies the parties responsible for providing the EL teacher and support services.
The EL-ILLP template used by your program and sending LEAs is required as part of monitoring. This plan outlines the supports and services for one student. EL-ILLPs are written by the sending LEA and implemented by the AEDY program while the student is seated. The EL-ILLP is a required upload as part of the student referral process for any student identified as a current English Learner. When referring a student who is a current English Learner, the nature and amount of support required in the referral must match the EL-ILLP.
Both the EL Plan and the EL-ILLP outline supports for students identified as English Learners.
Q: What should be included in our procedure for translation, transcription, and interpretation?
A: This procedure should outline how and who will contact the service provider in the event that translation, transcription, and/or interpretation services are needed. Be sure to include the phone number and name of the service provider in the procedure! See the provided sample in the resources section above for your use. Learn more on PDE's website: Communication with Families: Interpreters, Translators, and Liaisons.