How to Use the Disproportionality Calculator for Sending LEAs

The AEDY Disproportionality Calculator is a tool that the LEA may use to determine the  risk ratio of placing an in-process referral of a student with a disability. 

Follow the steps below to use the Disproportionality Calculator. Please note that the calculator is only available to Sending LEAs.

(Step 1) Log in PDE IMS and select AEDY under "Program Monitoring and Accountability/AEDY" (for help logging into IMS, click here to go to the IMS page).  Then, click on the calculator icon on the dashboard. 

(Step 2) In the first textbox (labeled A), enter the LEA’s total student enrollment for grades 6 through 12.

(Step 3) In the second textbox (labeled C), enter the Total LEA Student Enrollment with Students with Disabilities (Special Education + 504-Target Group).

(Step 4) Click the Calculate button.

The system will pull the referrals of students with disabilities for the current school year and the total AEDY enrollment to identify the final risk ratio.