Partnerships & Licenses


Q: Who is/are our partners?

A: A partner is any outside organization that provides a service to your students. Some examples of services provided are counseling, job shadowing, or on-site probation services. 


Q: Do we need to list our sending LEAs?

A: No - the sending LEAs will identify your program as a site to which they send. You do not need to identify the LEAs.


Q: What if we don't have any partner organizations?

A: You may leave this section blank.

Follow the steps below to add a partnership:

(Step 1) Click on the "here" button in the phrase "Click here to add a partnership."

Partnerships page with a red box around the here button for click here to add a partnership.

(Step 2) Complete the fields to identify the name of the partner and the services the partner provides. Only list one partner at a time.

Text boxes for adding partner and services offered.

(Step 3) Click the "Save Partnership" button at the bottom of the screen to save your work.

save partnership button.

(Step 4) You will be returned to the Partnerships & Licenses page. From here, you can Edit or Delete a partner using the Action column. Click the "Here" button in the phrase "Click here to add a partnership" to add another partner.

Table on the partnership page after adding a partnership.


Q: What licenses should be entered on this page?

A: Any licenses held by your organization, including Private Academic, RTF, Day Treatment, etc. Do not list "Approved AEDY Provider" as part of your application. 


Q: What if we do not have any licenses?

A: You may leave the section blank and click "Go to Next Section."

Follow the steps below to add a license to your application:

(Step 1) Click the "Here" button in the phrase "Click here to add a license."

The licenses page with a red box around the here button in click here to add a license.

(Step 2) Enter the name of the license in the box. Only list one license at a time.

Text box for adding the license name

(Step 3) Click the "Save License" button at the bottom of the page to save your work and return to the Licenses screen. 

save license button

(Step 4) Use the Edit and Delete buttons in the Action column to edit or delete any license rows. Click the "Here" button in the phrase "Click here to add a license" to add more licenses.

the license table after adding a license.

(Step 5) When you are finished adding partnerships & licenses, click the "Go To Next Section" button at the bottom of the page.

go to next section button