Positive Behavioral Supports & Program Formal Periodic Review

This page includes de-escalation and intervention, positive behavioral supports (MTSS), and the Formal Periodic Review (FPR). Follow the steps below to complete it. 

De-Escalation and Intervention

(Step 1) Enter the name of the de-escalation and intervention training program (e.g. Handle With Care, Safety Care, etc.) used by the AEDY Program along with the date the training was last held and the number of staff members trained (letter A in the image below). Then, use the radio buttons to indicate whether the training was provided through an in-house trainer or via the identified organization (letter B in the image below).

De-escalation and intervention section. Letter A is the program name and date of training. Letter B is radio buttons for how the training was facilitated. Letter C is an upload box for the de-escalation and intervention policy.

Use the File Upload Tool to provide a copy of your AEDY Program's de-escalation and intervention policy (letter C in the image above). Be sure that your program's policy meets all of the requirements under PA chapter 14 section 133: Positive Behavior Supports and PA Title 22 Chapter 711. Read more on what's required in the AEDY BEC here and the BEC Use of Restraints on Students with Disabilities. All programs must have a policy which meets the requirements.


Q: What other requirements are in place for AEDY programs with respect to restraint?

A: From the AEDY BEC: To the extent that an AEDY program uses restraints on students, the AEDY program must:

Note that a BSE provided restraint log is available by clicking on the button below and can also be downloaded from the RISC portal front page below the login box.

MTSS and Behavior

The next section of this application page requires three (3) uploads which together outline in detail the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) which operates in your program as shown above. For more information, tools, and resources on MTSS, check out the PaTTAN page on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, the Assessing MTSS Systems page on this website, and contact your local Intermediate Unit.



Q: What if our program does not yet have an MTSS program in place?

A: It is acceptable to upload a training and implementation (action) plan for your developing MTSS program. A good training plan includes what supports your team will use (e.g. PaTTAN or IU workshops, online resources, internal supports, etc.), materials being developed, and a timeline for when each piece will occur. You can use the MTSS Action Plan with Verification Column template to help develop this plan. Watch the video below on writing and uploading an MTSS Action plan for more information. You can also view the video on this page which includes a copy of the slides for your reference.

Q: Our program uses a level system - is that the same thing? 

A: A level system can be one component of an MTSS program, but typically does not meet all the requirements for a full program. If your program chooses to use a level system, be very careful with how it will be implemented. For example, some level systems include punitive levels (e.g. Warning, Red light, Not excelling) that do not align with MTSS principles. Additionally, if a level system is implemented and tied to student privileges, it is important to make sure the level system is not tied to a required number of days at each level and that students are not required to "complete" the level system as a requirement of transition/exit.

To remove this factor, re-assess student level at the end of each day and track their levels over time to show consistency of behavior. For example, John started at level 1 and didn't meet the level 2 requirements until his 5th day in the program. Then John had a great day and moved to level 4 for 3 days, but then had a rough day and moved back down to level 2. 


Check out some additional resources for support in developing your MTSS program:

Follow the steps below to complete this section of the application page:

(Step 2) Check the box that states "I/We acknowledge and will comply with the components of an Evidence-based, Tiered Prevention and Intervention, Non-exclusionary Behavior Framework as set forth by PDE."

Assurance statement for evidence based behavior management

(Step 3) Use the File Upload Tool to upload a copy of your program's MTSS Framework and/or a current MTSS Action Plan. Note that this field will remain open after your application is submitted or approved so that the Action Plan can be updated periodically.

Upload box for the MTSS framework document

(Step 4) Use the File Upload Tool to upload a copy of your program's MTSS data-reporting process and platform.

Upload box for the data-reporting process and platform

(Step 5) Use the File Upload Tool to upload a copy of your program's MTSS evaluation plan.

Upload box for the evaluation plan

(Step 6) Check the box marked "I know and understand that the program must engage community stakeholders as part of their implementation of PBIS or another framework."

Assurance statement checkbox

(Step 7) In the open text box, describe how students' behavioral needs are assessed upon placement in the AEDY program. A behavioral assessment must be conducted within five days of the student being seated in the AEDY program. Your program may make use of one or several behavioral assessment, as appropriate. The assessment may be conducted solely by your program staff, provided by the Sending LEA with the student's referral, or completed in collaboration between both program and sending LEA staff.

Behavioral assessments text box

Q: Who needs to receive a behavioral assessment?

A: All students who are seated in an AEDY program, regardless of identification, must receive a behavioral assessment within five (5) days of being seated in the program.


Q: What types of behavioral assessment are appropriate?

A: The assessments given are ultimately a local decision. Common examples include the BASC-3 and the FACTS, but many different types of assessment are available. Consider what assessment(s) will best inform your data-driven decisions on student behavior and will help to write effective and measurable individualized behavioral goals. 


Q: When should the behavioral assessment(s) be delivered to students?

A: At least one behavioral assessment must be delivered within five (5) days of the student being seated in the program. Some programs choose to deliver additional assessments later during the student's placement to gather additional data - this is a local choice, not a requirement. Some AEDY Programs collaborate with Sending LEAs so that the student arrives at the AEDY program with the behavioral assessment already completed. Again, this is a local decision. 


Q: Our program hasn't selected a behavioral assessment, where can we receive guidance on this choice?

A: If your program has not yet selected a behavioral assessment, we recommend reaching out to your on-site and sending LEA counselors and school psychologists for recommendations. Be sure to also consider what is needed for the assessment to be valid, such as who may conduct or evaluate the assessment, as well as the type of information the assessment provides. Your staff will need to write individualized, meaningful, and measurable behavioral goals for each student - consider what type of data will be most useful for this purpose.

Formal Periodic Review

Except for students subject to expulsion for a specific period of time following a formal hearing and due process procedures pursuant to 22 Pa Code § 12.8(b), there is a presumption that the exit criteria for all students can and will be met and that students will be transitioned/returned to their general education program within 45 days of a student’s placement in the AEDY Program, or sooner based on the student’s individual needs. The date by which a student is expected to transition/return to the General Education Program is based on the student’s individual needs and is referred to as the “Presumptive Exit Date.”

The purpose of the Presumptive Exit Date is to ensure that AEDY placements are temporary and that students are transitioning/returning to the General Education Program as soon as a student’s behavioral goals are met. The purpose of the AEDY Program is to be a temporary placement with the goal of returning students to the regular school environment.

Upon placement in an approved AEDY program, all students will receive a 45-day Presumptive Exit Date unless the student is serving the terms of an expulsion. In which case, the student’s Presumptive Exit Date would be the date following the expulsion end date (AEDY BEC).

Read more about FPR requirements in the AEDY Guidelines.

Q: How often do formal periodic reviews need to occur?

A: A formal periodic review must occur for every student in placement at least once every 45 days the student is seated in the program. Remember to allow time for scheduling/rescheduling when planning formal periodic reviews as the review "must occur prior to the student's 45 day (or sooner) Presumptive Exit Date" (AEDY BEC). The 45 days are calculated as 45 school days beginning on the day the student is seated in the program, regardless of student attendance or LEA quarterly/semester schedules.


Q: What if a student is expelled?

A: Students who have been expelled must still have a formal periodic review every 45 days or fewer while in placement in the AEDY program. However, students who have been expelled will not be eligible for transition out of (exit) the program until the term of their expulsion has been met.


Q: What is the outcome of a formal periodic review?

A: The formal periodic review should use collected behavioral data to determine if the student has met their highly-individualized behavioral goals related to their cause of placement. Once the student has met these goals, they must begin transition/exit out of the program. The exception is a student who has been expelled. While students who have been expelled must receive a formal review every 45 days or fewer, they are not eligible to transition/exit out of placement until the terms of the expulsion have been met.


Q: Do formal periodic reviews only review behavioral data?

A: No - a formal periodic review should review all data collected during the student placement (e.g. behavioral, academic, teacher input, etc.). However, while it is appropriate to discuss all data, remember that only the behavioral data related to the student's cause of placement may be used to determine a student's placement status.


Q: Who should participate in a formal periodic review or exit meeting?

A: The review/transition team should consist of the AEDY Program Coordinator, LEA Coordinator, student, parent(s), and other LEA and AEDY program staff as appropriate (AEDY BEC). "Staff as appropriate" could include special education teachers, English Learner teachers, counselors, and any other staff who have knowledge of the student's history.


Q: How will we know that a student is ready to transition/exit out of the program?

A: As soon as a student meets the requirement(s) for their highly-individualized behavioral goals related to the cause of placement, the student must begin transitioning out of or exiting the program. These goals must be reviewed every 45 days, but can be reviewed sooner for an earlier transition/exit.


Q: Can we have other requirements for transition/exit?

A: No - students may only remain in the program until they have met the requirements for their highly-individualized behavioral goals related to the cause of placement. It is appropriate to write and track additional goals (e.g. academic, norm behaviors), but these data may not be used to determine placement status.

From the BEC: "Exit criteria may only be used to limit exiting based upon the behavior that resulted in the AEDY placement. Exit criteria cannot include measures of academic performance, attendance, or standards that may be difficult or impossible for a student with a disability to comply with or that are more arduous standards than would be expected in a general education program."


Q: What does a transition/exit plan look like?

A: Transition/exit plans should be just as individualized as student behavioral goals. The plan should be developed with input from everyone at the meeting (especially the student!) and should also be informed by all data collected during the student's placement. It is common for transition/exit plans to be gradual (e.g. begin with extra curriculars, then one or two classes, AM only, etc.) - these gradual transitions/exits should be outlined with specific time periods (e.g. PM classes at the high school for 1 week). Also consider what supports the student will continue to receive at the home school - what made them successful while in placement at AEDY? Consider including things like small group instruction and continued counseling for continued behavioral support. The exit/transition period should not last another 45 days.

Follow the steps below to complete this section of the application:

(Step 8) Use the text box labeled "Review Documentation" to describe how your program will conduct periodic reviews. You might include information like how often they are conducted, who is present, and what is reviewed during the meeting.

Review documentation text box

(Step 9) Use the File Upload Tool to upload a copy of the template or a sample (scrubbed of all identifying student information) of the formal periodic review form your program uses to document these meetings. If you will use the PDE model FPR form (available from the buttons below and the application itself), check the box to indicate this. If you use the model FPR, no upload is required here.

Checkbox and upload box for the formal periodic review

(Step 10) Upload a sample behavior monitoring checklist using the File Upload Tool. This should be an example of how individualized student behavioral data is collected while students are seated in the program and most often takes the form of a point sheet. If your program does not have a template document but instead uses documents created for each individual student, you may upload an example of this with all identifiable student information redacted.

Upload box for sample behavior monitoring checklist

When writing/editing your behavior monitoring checklist or point sheet, consider the following:

(Step 11) The FPR team must include a representative from the sending LEA, AEDY program administrators, parent/guardian, and any teachers, counselors, or other advocate(s) with the knowledge of the child's history. If your program's review team includes any additional members, use the file upload tool to provide the information. Be sure to include the team member's positions/titles.

Upload box for the formal periodic review team

(Step 12) When you have completed all fields, click the "Save & Go to Next Section" button at the bottom of the page.