Upload Initial FPR

After successfully indicating whether the student has been expelled and setting the student's first date in placement, you will be required to upload an initial Formal Periodic Review (FPR) document to the student's referral. Initial FPRs (including the behavioral assessment and individualized, measurable goals) must be completed within the first five days of student placement.

More information on the FPR is available in the module The Formal Periodic Review.

The video embedded below includes the steps for Accept/Reject a Student Referral, Determine/Adjust the Presumptive Exit Date, Upload Initial FPR, and Continue Placement OR Exit/Transition Student. Use the embedded video chapters to jump between sections by hovering over the play bar at the bottom of the video screen.


Q: What is an initial FPR?

A: An Initial FPR (Formal Periodic Review) is the first documentation of a student's highly individualized behavior goals upon entering the AEDY program. Using the provided 45 Day Review and Transition Plan template document, the initial FPR would include details up to the section titled "45-day review meeting input and exit plan." That is, the sections Identifying Information, Behavioral Assessment Information, Last Review, Current Interventions, Behavior of Concern & Behavioral Goals, and the appropriate pieces of the Academic Review should all be completed (the sections to detail goal progress should be left blank until the first full FPR meeting). 


Q: When does the initial FPR need to be completed?

A: The information included in the initial FPR must be completed within the student's first five days being seated in the program. The documentation should be uploaded to Leader Services as soon as it is completed.


Q: If students have already had their first full FPR meeting, do we still need to upload an initial FPR for that student?

A: Yes. Until the initial FPR is uploaded, users will not be able to access the placement panels.

Follow the steps below to upload an initial FPR:

(Step 1) Access the student's referral and navigate to their Placement page using the navigation panel on the left.

navigation panel with a red box around the placement button

(Step 2) Regardless of the student's amount of time in the program, you will see the yellow box below: "you will need to upload an initial FPR before the first PED section will appear." Use the upload box by first selecting a file (letter A in the image below) and then uploading the file (letter B in the image below).

Upload initial FPR box. Letter A is the choose file button. Letter B is the upload button.

 (Step 3) Once the initial FPR has been uploaded, it will be displayed at the top of the student's Placement page with the file description "Initial FPR." This file is visible and available to download to those with access to the student's referral. 

Top of the student referral placement page with a red arrow pointing towards the uploaded initial FPR.

At this point, you will be able to access the Presumptive Exit Date panels. Refer to the previous page in this module if the presumptive exit date needs to be adjusted. Continue on in this module for information on how to upload FPR documentation.