FSA 2: Complaint Process

The AEDY Program and the LEA will provide parents/students information on how to file a complaint and how to seek resolution.

PDE reviews the process by which all complainants, which may include students, their parents/guardians, and/or stakeholders, to resolve complaints and concerns regarding any aspect to AEDY related to English Learner (EL) services or Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, including placement and exit decision, academic instruction, the provision or omission of language assistance services, and services to students with disabilities, including reasonable modifications. The process will include the following steps:

Complainants, which may include students, their parents/guardians, and/or stakeholders, with concerns regarding AEDY will be required to seek resolution via the relevant AEDY Program and LEA, rather than elevating concerns to PDE in the first instance. PDE will required LEAs and AEDY Programs to develop and implement local policies and procedures, which will be submitted to PDE when applying for AEDY Program approval. The aforementioned complaint process does not limit any other rights or remedies under federal and state law.

The complainant, which may include students, their parent/guardians, and/or stakeholders, may file a complaint with PDE if not resolved at the local level.

Required Uploads

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do we need to upload the complaint in both English and Spanish?

A: No - only the English version needs to be uploaded to the FSA.

Q: What if we need to update our complaint form and process?

A: Use the template or your current complaint document to update the information (e.g. contact information). Then, upload it to FSA 2 as well as your current AEDY application.

Q: When should we provide the complaint process and form to stakeholders?

A: We recommend the complaint be provided at each intake, formal periodic review, and exit/transition meeting, as well as listed on the program website to ensure consistent access to all parties.