FSA 7: Periodic Review and Exit Criteria

"Presumptive Exit Date" refers to the date by which a student is expected to transition/return to the General Education Program and is based on the student's individual needs. The purpose of the Presumptive Exit Date is to ensure that AEDY placements are temporary and that students are transitioning/returning to the General Education Program as soon as a student's behavioral goals are met.

AEDY Programs must have a formal, documented process for periodic review and evaluation by the Exit Team of progress toward established exit criteria for each student with a disability to determine the student's readiness to transition back to the General Education Program. The review must be documented and kept on file in each student's record.

Within five school days of placement of a student with a disability in an AEDY Program, the LEA Supervisor, AEDY Program Supervisor, student, Parent, and AEDY General Education Teacher and AEDY Special Education Teacher -"Exit Team" must set clear exit criteria with measurable behavioral goals that can be reasonably achieved by the Presumptive Exit Date and which are clearly communicated to all AEDY staff who will implement the student's IEP.

Exit criteria will address only the behavior that resulted in the AEDY placement. Exit criteria will not include measures of academic performance, attendance, or standards that are not appropriate for a student with a disability or that differ from standards that would be expected of a student in a General Education Program.

To complete this section of the FSA in Leader Services, do the following:

Resources for Students with the Formal Periodic Review

Note: This video series was originally created for use in Schoology. While the video mentions Schoology, everything is now publicly available in the Monitoring module here on the website.

Video Transcript

FSA seven is the formal periodic review and exit criteria, commonly referred to as the FPR. The FPR is designed to be utilized collaboratively with sending LEA and program as well as student and family input. This area of the FSA will look at your procedures and practices for the FPR. Your team will answer questions related to engagement by all stakeholders in the FPR process, the rate of successful 45-day exits, how your program ensures data entry in Leader is up to date, and how initial and 45-day FPRs are being held in a timely manner. The monitoring team will look for evidence of communication and collaboration among the sending LEA and program on the interventions prior to sending, the behavior assessment conducted within five days of placement, as well as the interventions that take place while in placement.

Slide: AEDY Cyclical Monitoring. FSA 7: Formal Periodic Review and Exit Criteria.
Slide: Formal periodic review and transition/exit criteria. Ensure all student 45 day reviews (including initial FPRs) have been uploaded in the system in the appropriate panel within the placement timeline. If not using PDE format, confirm all components of the document are included. Student goals are related to behavior(s) of concern and related to behavioral assessment (provided within five days of student placement). Upload PROCEDURE for the creation and monitoring of the formal periodic review, inclusive of team members at each step.   Also include when, how, and by whom parents and families are contacted to attend the FPR meetings.

This will require a formalized, written procedure for the FPR process, including team members' roles and responsibilities. As stated, you will need to ensure that initial and 45-day reviews are uploaded in Leader Services in the correct panels within the timeline. The AEDY team will ensure all documentation in the FPR is complete and will look to ensure behavior assessments are conducted within 5 days of placement and goals are written with information utilized from behavior assessment and related to behavior of concern. Additionally, the procedure should include when, how, and by whom parents and families are contacted to attend the FPR meetings.

Your team will need to upload the document utilized for the FPR. The PDE team has created a template for use which includes a behavior plan, 45-day review, and transition/exit plan. This document was created in 2019 to combine the three required documents into one in order to streamline. If you are not using this PDE format, your program's FPR template must still include all the components in the state-approved form. These slides provide screenshots of the PDE-approved form.

Slide: formal periodic review template with screenshots.
slide: formal periodic review PDE template with screenshots

Please note that there is an annotated form in the resources section above which walks your team through what information is required in each section.

As a reminder, all student goals on the FPR must be SMART goals - specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. Teams may add in academic and attendance goals, but these goals may NOT keep students in placement. We recommend noting that any additional goals are labeled as "NOT REQUIRED" or similar in your FPR documentation.

slide: SMART goals
Slide: a formalized procedure must include the roles and responsibilities of the FPR team members. Leader services live system. Student referral timelines are accurate. FPR Meetings - the FPR meetings can occur at any time the student meets their goal. Exit/transition plan - created when student has met goal. Program works with LEA to create plan. Truancy - students may NOT remain in placement for truancy. Implement SAIP/TEP with LEA.

The FPR document allows the team to provide, implement, and evidence tiered supports for students based on their needs which should result in a successful exit from the AEDY program. Your team will work to ensure student timelines are accurate. If the student reaches their required behavioral goal prior to the 45 days, an FPR meeting should be held to create an exit/transition plan. This plan must be uploaded to the student's referral to exit/transition the student out of the AEDY placement.

As a reminder, your FPR team needs to be defined. Part of your upload in this area will be a formalized FPR procedure with the roles and responsibilities of each team member. The AEDY Program Coordinator, LEA Coordinator, student, parent(s), and other LEA and AEDY program staff as appropriate must be included on the FPR team.

Slide: Who's on the team? AEDY program staff - administrator, counselor, special educator (if appropriate), EL teacher (if appropriate), mental health staff (if appropriate), behavioral support staff (if appropriate), other staff as appropriate within program. Sending LEA representative. Parent/guardian/family members. The student.