
Interviews are conducted as part of the AEDY Cyclical Monitoring process. This includes interviews of AEDY Program staff as well as students seated during the week of monitoring and their parents/guardians.


Additional information on where to upload documents, how to provide the correct codes, and track staff interview completion is available on the next page of this module.

Resources for Interviews

Required Uploads

Additional Steps to Complete

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who can see the completed interviews?

A: All interviews are confidential. While AEDY program administrators can see the list of who has completed the interviews, only the PaTTAN/PDE AEDY team can read the interview responses.

Q: Who should complete an interview?

A: All students seated during the week of the monitoring and their parents/guardians, as well as AEDY program staff who interact with students should complete an online interview. This includes all teachers, counselors, administrators, and additional staff (e.g. behavior specialists, hallway monitors, front desk staff, etc.).

Q: Is there any follow-up to interviews completed online?

A: If any follow-up is needed based on responses, the PaTTAN/PDE AEDY team will reach out to the person who completed their interview via email or phone. All responses are confidential.