Create a New Student Referral

Sending LEAs can create a new student referral to place a student in an AEDY program. After the referral has been created, it must be submitted to the AEDY program before the student may be seated

Watch the video below for an overview of how to create and submit a new student referral. Below the video, you'll find FAQs and written out step-by-step instructions with screenshots. The video has been chaptered - jump between titled sections by hovering over the play bar at the bottom of the video. The video includes instructions for how to Create a Student Referral as well as how to Submit a Student Referral.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When is it appropriate to place a student in an AEDY program?

A: "AEDY programs are designed for seriously and persistently disruptive students. By law, LEAs may refer to AEDY programs only students who pose a clear threat to the safety and welfare of other students or the school staff, who create an unsafe school environment or whose behavior materially interferes with the learning of other students or disrupts the overall educational process. The “disruptive” student will exhibit to a marked degree any or all of the following conditions: 


Only students in grades 6-12 are eligible for placement in an AEDY Program. Placement in an AEDY program should be considered only after all other options for improving behavior have been exhausted  [with exception for reasons 2, 3, and 4]. This includes the use of the school’s Student Assistance Program (SAP)." (AEDY BEC).

Truancy is no longer an acceptable reason for placement in an AEDY program (e.g. high number of absences, skipping classes, eloping from class, etc.).


Q: If the student has been identified as an English Learner, can they still be referred for placement?

A: First, consider the student's native language and culture as well as their adaptation to local culture and school rules. If the student meets the definition of disruptive and exhibits, to a marked degree, one or more of the behaviors in the question above, they may be referred to an AEDY program. Any student identified as English Learner must have an individualized English Learner plan (EL-ILLP) on file with the AEDY provider. See the EL-ILLP page for more information.

Also note that "ELs cannot be placed in an AEDY program that fails to provide English Language Development (ELD) services and English as a Second Language (ESL) services delivered by licensed ESL teachers" (AEDY BEC). It is ultimately the responsibility of the Sending LEA to ensure that the student's ELD services are provided.


Q: If the student receives special education services, can they still be referred for placement?

A: Yes - with some additional checkpoints. See the following information from the AEDY BEC

The sending LEA maintains the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that students receiving special education services in AEDY programs receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) that conforms to federal and state laws and regulations.

No student eligible for special education services pursuant to the IDEA shall be transferred to an AEDY program except in accordance with 34 C.F.R. §§ 300.530-300.536, 22 Pa. Code §14.143, and 22 Pa. Code § 711.61 (pertaining to charter schools). Students receiving special education services placed in an AEDY program must be appropriately supported in making progress toward the goals in their Individualized Education Program (IEP). Special education services must be provided to a student with a disability who has been removed from the student’s current placement and whose IEP Team has determined the educational setting, such as AEDY, is appropriate. Where students are removed from the current placement for more than 10 consecutive school days or 15 cumulative days and placed in an AEDY Program, they must:


Q: Is a manifestation determination required to place a student receiving special education services in an AEDY program?

A: Yes - see the following information from the AEDY BEC:

Before an LEA may effect a change in placement for disciplinary purposes, the student’s IEP Team must meet and determine whether the behavior for which the transfer is considered is a manifestation of the student’s disability; this assessment is called a manifestation determination. Within 10 school days of any decision to change the placement of a student with a disability because of a violation of a code of student conduct (except for a removal that does not constitute a change in educational placement i.e., is for 10 consecutive school days or less and not a change of placement), the LEA, the parent, and relevant members of the IEP Team (as determined by the parent and the LEA) must review all relevant information in the student’s file, including the student’s IEP, any teacher observations, and any relevant information provided by the parents to determine:


Q: If the behavior is determined to be a manifestation of the student's disability, can the student still be placed in an AEDY program?

A: No - with three exceptions. See the following information from the AEDY BEC:

In specific circumstances regarding drugs, weapons and serious bodily injury, whether or not the behavior was a manifestation of the student’s disability, school personnel may remove a student to an interim alternative educational setting (determined by the student’s IEP Team) for up to 45 school days, if the student:

If one of the above exceptions applies, the student can be transferred to an AEDY program for up to 45 school days without a manifestation determination. See 34 C.F.R. §300.530(g). If the student is transferred, the IEP Team must determine what services the student will require while in the AEDY program in order to:


Q: If the student has been convicted of a crime, is on probation, or is returning a from mental health services or residential placement, can the student be placed in AEDY?

A: Per the AEDY BEC, "Students returning from mental health services, a residential facility, or any other placement shall be presumed to return to their general education setting in their sending LEA.

When a student returns to a LEA from a delinquency or dependency placement, the LEA cannot automatically place a student in an AEDY program because the student had been an adjudicated delinquent. Each specific case must be examined on an individual basis. As with any other student being transferred to an AEDY program, students returning from delinquency placement are entitled to an informal hearing prior to being placed in an alternative education program.

The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether the student is currently fit to return to the general education classroom or currently meets the definition of a disruptive student. Factors a school should consider to determine whether the student is currently disruptive include: whether the incident causing the adjudication occurred at school or at a school-sponsored event, the student’s behavior in school while in placement, and the recommendations of teachers and other adults (such as juvenile probation officers and residential treatment staff) who have worked with the youth. Students often make significant progress while in placement and may be best served by returning to a general education classroom. Each case should be considered individually, based on the circumstances of a student at the time of return to the LEA.


AEDY programs may not be used as a transitional placement for a students that have been charged or convicted of a crime, returning from a mental health, or residential placement unless the student is currently disruptive as per 24 P.S. § 19-1901-C (5)."



Q: What documentation must be provided between the LEA and AEDY provider?

A: Depending upon the student's educational status, some documents will need to be gathered to ensure that the student's educational opportunities are continued in the AEDY program. Examples of documentation that need to be included are the student's IEP, 504 plan, individualized English Learner plan, pertinent medical records, etc. Contact your AEDY program for a complete list of required documentation. Note that the only document uploaded to the Leader Services system by the Sending LEA is the informal hearing signature page.


Q: What has to happen before the student can be placed in an AEDY program?

A: Any student recommended for placement in an AEDY program must receive an informal hearing prior to placement. See the following information from the AEDY BEC:

All students recommended for placement in an AEDY Program must be provided with due process prior to placement including an informal hearing in accordance with 22 Pa. Code §12.8 (c). The informal hearing is held to bring forth all relevant information regarding the event for which the student may be placed in AEDY and for students, their parents or guardians and school officials to discuss concrete strategies for avoiding future offenses. The following due process requirements shall be observed in regard to the informal hearing:

How to Create a Student Referral

If the student meets all requirements for placement, follow the steps below to create their referral:

(Step 1) From the Student Referrals dashboard, click the green plus sign (+) in the box marked "Start a New Student Referral."

student referral buckets with a red box around the bucket start a new student referral.

(Step 2) Enter the student's PA Secure ID in the text box and click the "Begin Referral Process" button. All student data from PIMS will be automatically pulled via the PA Secure ID. If the PA Secure ID does not show in PIMS, you will be able to enter all student data manually.

Student referral creation first page with a red box around the button begin referral process.

(Step 3) If the system was able to connect to PIMS, all demographic data for the student will be pre-populated. If not, you will need to complete all fields manually. 

Regardless of the connection, you will need to complete the fields for Parent/Guardian information (Click "Additional Guardians" then "Add a Guardian" to add info for more additional parent/guardians) in the upper right side of the screen (letter A in the image below).

the student referral demographics page. A red box is around the parent/guardian information section labeled letter A. Letter B is a red box around the radio buttons for habitual truancy with a red arrow pointing to the textbox for the date of the TEP/SAIP. Letter C is the radio buttons for whether the student was identified as special education during the intake process. Letter D is the expulsion buttons and the textbox for expulsion end date.

Next, indicate if the student has ever been identified as habitually truant using the Yes/No radio buttons. If yes, be sure to include the date of the Truancy Elimination Plan (TEP) or Student Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP) in the text box to the right of the radio buttons (letter B in the image above).

Then, indicate if the student has been identified as a special education student during the AEDY program intake/informal hearing process using the Yes/No radio buttons (letter C in the image above).

If applicable, you can add scores for the student's PSSA and Keystone Exams using the "Add Scores" button just above the box at the bottom of the page.

Finally, click the Yes or No button to indicate if the student has been expelled. If yes, enter the date the student is eligible to return to the LEA using the text box just below the buttons (letter D in the image above).

If the student has been identified as an English Learner, Additional English Learner Information will be required on this page.

If the student is listed as a "Current ELL Student," you will see the following boxes. First, select the student's EL Teacher using the drop-down menu (letter A in the image below). This list is generated from the applications of your LEA as well as the AEDY Program(s) listed as your Program Site(s).

Next, use the File Upload Tool to upload the students Individualized English Learner Plan (EL-ILLP). You can download a template EL-ILLP and learn more about these requirements on the EL-ILLP page here. The template plan is also embedded in the button below.

EL plan upload tool. Letter A is the dropdown box for selecting the EL teacher. Letter B is the upload tool itself.

If the student is a Current or Former English Learner, you will need to complete the "Additional English Learner Information" box. First, enter the student's native language in the text box at the top (letter A in the image below). Next, use the drop-down boxes and text boxes to enter the student's proficiency level and score on the Commonwealth's English Language Proficiency  assessment for each of the assessed areas (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing) - (letter B in the image below).

additional EL information section. Letter A is the native language text box. Letter B is the small table for entering most current english proficiency test scores. Letter C is the textbox for nature and amount of EL services. Letter D is information on student parents being LEP.

Next, use the text box marked "Nature and amount of English Learner services provided" to describe the student's existing individualized English Learner services (letter C in the image above). Finally, use the radio buttons marked "Student's Parent is LEP?" to indicate if the student's parents/guardians have Limited English Proficiency (LEP). If yes, use the text box to identify the language which will be needed for interpreting and/or translating.

When all demographic data is complete, click the "Save & Go to Next Section" button at the bottom of the page. You can also navigate between sections of the referral using the panel on the left side of the screen. Remember to save before moving on!

save and go to next section button

(Step 4) Identify which behavior(s) the student has exhibited to a marked degree, resulting in the referral to AEDY placement, by clicking the appropriate check boxes. If the student has exhibited multiple behaviors, rank the primary/secondary/etc. criteria using the drop-down menus to the left of the behavior's checkbox. For criteria 3, mark whether the reason for referral is a serious bodily injury using the radio buttons included just below the criteria description.

student referral criteria entry page

For example, a student who has a history of violation of school policy and rules but is ultimately being set to AEDY due to a drug policy violation for which the student has been expelled should be ranked #1 for criteria 2 (display of or use of controlled substances on school property or during school-affiliated activities) and #2 for criteria 6 (misconduct that would merit suspension or expulsion under school policy) and #3 for criteria 1 (disregard for school authority, including persistent violation of school policy and rules.

When referral data is complete, click the "Save & Go to Next Section" button at the bottom of the page.

save and go to next section button

(Step 5) This page requires entry of all the student's behaviors along with all interventions/disciplinary actions that were taken as a result of the behaviors. Each behavior incident should be entered separately along with all of the interventions that resulted from the behavior. 

To begin, click on "Add New Disruptive Behavior" on the Behaviors & Interventions page.

add new disruptive behavior button

Complete each field to add the disruptive behavior. First, enter the date of the behavior (NOT the date of entry or intervention) and a description of the disruptive behavior. Enter one behavior incident at a time.

In the boxes just below the description, include any dates of in-school and out-of-school suspension related to this behavior incident.

In the section labeled "Administrative," add any information on reflection documents, apology, behavior contact, conflict agreements, involvement of teachers in meetings, mentors, or conferences, child study team meetings, and any other administrative interventions as the result of this behavior.

student referral add new disruptive behavior box

Next, scroll down to the section labeled "Counseling." Begin by answering the SAP questions at the top of the section - was SAP offered, was SAP accepted, and the date the parent was contacted to offer SAP. Below, use the text boxes to provide information on counseling interventions as a result of this behavior: check in/out, schedule modification, conflict resolution strategies, mentoring, peer mediation, individual counseling, group counseling, or family counseling.

student referral - add new disruptive behavior box, the counseling section with save buttons at the bottom

When you have completed the fields, click the "Save Behavior" button at the bottom of the screen.

From the Behavior List page, you can review all interventions/disciplinary actions for each behavior that has been entered. Remember to list each behavior incident separately and include all interventions/disciplinary actions that resulted from the incident. List additional behaviors by clicking "Add New Disruptive Behavior" just above the table and repeating the steps above.

example disruptive behavior table

For students with a long history of behaviors, an upload tool is available on this page. This is particularly appropriate to use for students being referred for criteria 1 (disregard for school authority, including persistent violation of school policy and rules) as these students should have a "laundry list" of behaviors prior to the referral. Be sure to edit out any identifiable information for students other than the students being referred prior to upload (e.g. Johnny is being referred for getting in a fight with Michael - Michael's name should not be included in the upload).

When all behaviors have been entered with their interventions, click the "Go to Next Section" button below the behavior table.

(Step 6) Read the statement in the blue box for information on Informal Hearings. Remember that an intake meeting should not be held at the AEDY program until the informal hearing has been completed.

Use the text boxes to enter the dates and times the informal hearing was scheduled and when the parent/guardian was contacted to attend (letter A in the image below). If the parent/guardian requested the hearing be held at the same time of notification, check the box to indicate this.

Next, use the radio buttons to note the location of the informal hearing (letter B in the image below).

student referral informal hearing page. Letter A is the date and time the hearing was scheduled and parent contacted to attend. Letter B is the location radio buttons. Letter C is the dropdown for selecting the AEDY program placement. Letter D is the upload box for informal hearing signatures.

Use the drop-down menu to indicate to what AEDY program the student is being referred (letter C in the image above). The drop-down menu is populated using your Sending LEA application.

Finally, use the File Upload Tool to upload a scanned copy of the informal hearing signature page (letter D in the image above). This upload must include the signatures of an LEA administrator, parent/guardian, and student as well as any other parties which were present during the hearing. If any party was unable to sign, include an explanation for why the signature line is blank (e.g. "refused to assign," "attended via zoom," etc.).

When all fields are completed, click the "Save & Go to Next Section" button at the bottom of the page.

save and go to next section button

(Step 7) If the student has an IEP or 504 plan, the system requires the date the manifestation determination was conducted. If the student is not exceptional, skip to step 8.

Check the box to affirm that a manifestation determination was conducted, then use the text box to enter today's date.

Check the box to affirm that the special education supervisor has viewed and approved the student's referral information, behaviors, and manifestation determination], then use the text box to enter today's date.

student referral manifestation determination affirmation boxes with dates

When all fields are completed, click the "Save & Go to Next Section" button at the bottom of the page.

save and go to next section button

(Step 8) Use the navigation bar on the left side of the screen to review each section of the referral and confirm that all fields are complete.