Submit a Student Referral
Now that the student's referral has been completed and reviewed for accuracy, all that's left is for the Sending LEA to submit the referral to the AEDY provider.
Watch the video below for an overview of how to create and submit a new student referral. Below the video, you'll find FAQs and written out step-by-step instructions with screenshots. The video has been chaptered - jump between titled sections by hovering over the play bar at the bottom of the video. The video includes instructions for how to Create a Student Referral as well as how to Submit a Student Referral.
To submit, follow the steps below:
(Step 1) Within the student's referral, navigate to the "Demographics" page and click the button "Submit Student Referral to AEDY Provider" on the navigation panel on the left side of the screen.
(Step 2) Click the "Validate" button on the submission screen to check the student's referral. If items are incomplete, a list will appear at the bottom of the screen. When all missing pieces have been addressed, you will be able to submit the referral to the AEDY provider noted on the informal hearing page.
(Step 3) Once all information has been entered in the referral, pressing the Validate button will result in a green check mark and a new button. Click the new button - Go To Referral Submission Page.
(Step 4) On the referral submission page, use the check boxes to verify who should receive an email about the new referral. If you would like, enter additional emails to receive this information using the boxes Optional Email 1 and 2. Then, click "Submit Referral to AEDY Provider" to complete the referral submission.
The student referral must be submitted before the student can be seated in the AEDY program.