Corrective Action
Following the week of monitoring, corrective action will be issued within calendar 30 days of the administrative interview. A meeting will be held with the AEDY program and sending LEAs to review required corrective action. Note that individual student corrective action (ICAPs) will NOT be reviewed at this meeting to protect student information.
Corrective action documents provided on the day of the meeting will include the due date for all items.
Types of Corrective Action - Programs and Sending LEAs
There are two types of corrective action which may be issued to the AEDY program, sending LEA, or jointly issued to both:
Systemic changes, including action plans. This corrective action often requires training via the PaTTAN AEDY Team or completing modules on this website such as the Comprehensive Look at the Formal Periodic Review.
Systemic corrective action can also require creation or revisions of procedures and policies. Once approved by the PaTTAN AEDY Team, it is common to then require training of relevant personnel. For example, the AEDY Program may be asked to revise the Formal Periodic Review procedure or the Sending LEA may be asked to revise the referral procedure.
Verification of completed corrective action is listed as evidence of change on the documents provided on the day of the corrective action meeting.Individual Corrective Action Plans (ICAPs) are corrective action specific to a student's file. ICAPs may be issued jointly with the BSE for students with disabilities.
Uploading Corrective Action to Leader Services
Corrective Action documentation may only be uploaded by the AEDY Program. Sending LEAs should email their documents either to the AEDY Program (for ICAPs) or to the PaTTAN AEDY Team (for systemic items).
AEDY Programs should follow the steps below to upload corrective action documents:
(Step 1) From the FSA dashboard, click "Upload Documents" in the Corrective Action Uploads column.
(Step 2) Use the file upload tool to provide the documents for corrective action. Be sure to title the files in a way that makes it clear what they are. For example, "Counseling records - corrected," "Revised FPR procedure 10.20.23," or "John Smith administrative interventions."
Note: The only files which do NOT get uploaded to in the Corrective Action Uploads section are Formal Periodic Reviews which should be uploaded directly to the student's referral(s) on the Placement page. For instructions on how to do this, see the pages Upload Initial FPR and/or Continue Placement OR Exit/Transition Student.
Sending LEAs: How to Access Corrective Action Documents
Sending LEAs can access 3 Corrective Action documents once they have been released. All files can be accessed by clicking on the blue number in the box "View Monitoring ICAP PDF(s)" from the AEDY dashboard.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why is the ICAP document blank?
A: If the ICAP document on your corrective action document is blank, no ICAPs have been assigned to your LEA.
Q: Why do some of our ICAPs say not enrolled?
A: If an ICAP is labeled "not enrolled," it means the student is no longer seated in the AEDY Program and the ICAP has been closed.
Q: If our LEA was given systemic corrective action, where can we find it?
A: Any systemic corrective action assigned to your LEA will be shown in the Executive Summary document available on the corrective action documents page in the section labeled "Systemic Corrective Action." If this section of the document is blank, your LEA was not issued systemic corrective action as part of the monitoring.