Student File Reviews

Leading up to the week of monitoring, the PaTTAN/PDE AEDY Team and BSE advisor (as appropriate) will review all files for students who will be seated in the AEDY program during the week of monitoring. All files should be available in the system no later than the week prior to the week of monitoring.

Important note: the FSA must be opened before the Leader Services system will allow uploads to student files.

**Please note that all special education student files will be reviewed by the BSE adviser(s) assigned to the monitoring.**

Required Uploads

For every student in placement during the week of monitoring, all records must be provided in the Leader Services system: 

Upload to each student’s referral:

Upload to the FSA under Student Records:

Instructions on how and where to upload files for the student record review are available on the next page of this module.

For every student in placement during the week of monitoring, verify the information included in the student referral located in the Leader Services system is accurate:

If any information in the Leader Services system is not accurate, contact the monitoring chair(s).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why do Sending LEAs need to send the files to the program instead of uploading to the referral?

A: The only documents uploaded to the referral should be behavior logs (if appropriate), the informal hearing signature page, and the formal periodic reviews. All other documents should be uploaded to the Student Records section as these files are periodically deleted to protect student information. Please ensure that all uploaded documents do not include Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for other students.

Q: What are some key things we should check for when uploading documents?

A: Ensure all files include their signature pages where they exist (e.g. informal hearing signature page, formal periodic reviews, special education meeting records, etc.). This verifies the meetings took place with all parties in attendance.

Q: What if someone refused to sign or attended virtually?

A: On the signature page, document this on the signature line next to the person's written name. For example, "attended via phone," "attended via Zoom," or "refused to sign."

Q: What if we were unable to contact a stakeholder to attend a meeting?

A: In this case, provide documentation of the attempts to contact the party. 

Q: Which students do we need to provide files for?

A: All students in placement during the week of monitoring require the full set of files. Additionally, restraint documents must be uploaded for any students who were restrained, dated from the placement date of the student who has been In Placement the longest (e.g. if Mark was seated 1 year ago, provide all restraint records for the last year). This includes students who are no longer seated, but have restraint documentation during that timeframe.

Q: What about students who have been dually identified as Special Education and English Learner?

A: For students who are dually identified, we recommend sending LEAs use the English Learners Annotated IEP Companion Checklist (writable version available here) to ensure the student's IEP includes everything the student needs to succeed. In this case, the checklist can be uploaded in place of the EL-ILLP and all services outlined in the IEP.