Student File Reviews

Leading up to the week of monitoring, the PaTTAN/PDE AEDY Team and BSE advisor (as appropriate) will review all files for students who will be seated in the AEDY program during the week of monitoring. All files should be available in the system no later than two weeks prior to the week of monitoring.

Important note: the FSA must be opened before the Leader Services system will allow uploads to student files.

For every student in placement during the week of monitoring, all records must be provided in the Leader Services system:

Instructions on how and where to upload files for the student record review are available on the next page of this module.

For every student in placement during the week of monitoring, verify the information included in the student referral located in the Leader Services system is accurate:

Video Transcript

Student file reviews will be conducted. File reviews begin in the weeks leading up to the monitoring and files should be made available by the program. AEDY Programs should aim to have all uploads completed no later than two weeks prior to the week of monitoring.

Monitors will be looking for all required documentation in Leader Services. This includes looking at procedural information from all referrals as well as specific information for each student in placement at the time of monitoring. The monitor will look to ensure the sending LEA and the program coordinate and communicate regarding student placement and progress.

Slide: AEDY cyclical monitoring. Student file reviews.
slide: sending LEA responsibilities.

Sending LEAs are responsible for students they send to programs. They need to ensure that any placement meets the criteria outlined in the AEDY guidelines and BEC. The monitoring chair will look for accurate demographic information, informal hearing form with signatures, and indication of sufficient parental notice of the hearing or documentation of attempts of participation. A Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) must be conducted for all students with disabilities, including students with 504 plans and students who are thought to be. SAP referrals, documentation of administrative and counseling interventions, and lastly involvement in all FPR meetings will be reviewed for all students.

The program will need to upload all FPRs, including the initial FPR and all 45 day reviews. The monitoring team will look at all FPRs to ensure that a behavior assessment is conducted within 5 days of placement and an individualized behavior goal or goals have been documented. Counseling logs from the last three months will be reviewed for all students in placement. These logs must include student attendance, group topics, name of counselor leading the group, the date, and start and stop times of sessions. Each student must have, at a minimum, 2.5 hours of counseling per week. If a restraint was conducted at any time during the student's placement, the program must include all the required components for BSE reporting from the beginning of their time in placement, including previous school years.

slide: student records. For every student currently in placement in the AEDY program, these records must be provided in the Leader Services system.
slide: ensure accuracy in FPRs.

It is important to note that all FPRs for students in placement will be reviewed. This includes students that are in placement due to an expulsion. Ensure that all information is completed on the FPR form prior to uploading. This includes signatures. Upload the FPRs in a timely manner into leader services.

Verification of information in Leader Services will include looking for accurate student demographic information, placement date, expulsion information (if applicable), placement criteria, documentation of behaviors and interventions, and informal hearing dates and signatures. If the informal hearing is not in person and is held via phone or zoom, document the attendance "via zoom" or "via phone" on the signature line. Additional information for English Learners and students with disabilities is also required and will be elaborated on in the next slide.

slide: ensure student file accuracy. Verify the information included in the student referral located in Leader Services is accurate for ALL students in placement.
slide: required uploads for English Learners and students with disabilities. English Learner uploads reviewed by AEDY team: WIDA assessment scores, English Learner Individual Language Learner Plan (EL-ILLP). Students with disabilities uploads reviewed by AEDY Team and BSE.

For English Learners, English Learner - Individual Language Learner Plans (EL-ILLPs) will be reviewed to determine compliance. The AEDY team works in conjunction with the Bureau of Special Education for reviews of students with disabilities. This includes students with 504s and students who are thought to be. This shows all of the documentation that will be reviewed, including 504 plan, invitation with signatures, manifestation determination review, permission to evaluate or re-evaluate, the evaluation report or re-evaluation report with evaluator signature for SLD and list of evaluators for other disability categories, IEP with signatures, NOREP with signatures, and positive behavior support plan, if applicable.

After the monitoring chair and team conducts the student file review, ICAPs will be generated. ICAPs are individual corrective action plans. These will be reflected in Leader Services the day of your corrective action meeting which occurs within 30 days of the administrative interview. Both sending LEA and programs will have access to the ICAPs on the Leader dashboard. The program and the sending LEA will work together to complete the ICAPs. This may require additional documentation or revising the FPR.

slide: individual corrective action plan (ICAPs).