FSA 1 | Counseling

Resources for Counseling

Note: Scroll right in the Excel and Google Sheets files for instructions on how to use the templates!

Required Uploads

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who can provide counseling services to AEDY students?

A: "As of July 1, 2019, individuals delivering counseling services must hold one of the following credentials and should have experience in providing services to students in the appropriate age range: certified school counselor, certified school psychologist, certified school social worker, certified drug and alcohol counselor (as appropriate), licensed social worker, licensed clinical social worker, licensed professional counselor​, certified/licensed therapist, licensed psychologist or psychiatrist" (AEDY Guidelines, Section 4).

Q: Why do we need to upload counseling logs?

A: AEDY programs must provide a minimum of 2.5 hours per week of counseling for every student. The counseling logs will be reviewed in detail to ensure that this requirement is being met.

Q: What if students are absent or refuse to participate in counseling sessions?

A: The counseling log should reflect that the 2.5 hours of counseling per week per student was offered as part of the AEDY program. If a student is absent for a session, it should be noted in the log. Similarly, if a student refused to participate, it should be noted in the log or in the counselor's notes.

Q: Is this the section where we should upload the 3 months of required counseling logs?

A: No - all files uploaded to this section are viewable by all sending LEAs, so no files with any personally identifiable information (PII) should be uploaded to this section. All logs should be uploaded to the student records section.

Q: Where should we upload the counseling logs that include student information?

A: Upload the files in the Student Record section. For group records, upload the file(s) to one student’s Student Record section,  then tell your monitoring chair where the file is located. 

Q: What if we have no students seated in the program?

A: If there are no students seated in the program during the week of monitoring, upload a blank copy of the template used by your program to maintain counseling logs. The counseling record should include, at a minimum, student attendance, group topics, name of the counselor leading the group, the date, and the start and stop times of the group session. 

Q: Do counseling logs need to be signed?

A: Signatures are not required by PDE. However, if your program requires the logs to be signed by the counselors, please include the signature on the uploaded document(s).

Q: Do we need individual student counseling logs?

A: If individual counseling is provided by your program, it should be included in either the group or individual counseling logs uploaded to the student records section.

Q: Do we have to use the template logs provided on this page?

A: No - your program may use any log which meets the requirements. The counseling record should include, at a minimum, student attendance, group topics, name of the counselor leading the group, the date, and the start and stop times of the group session.