FSA Overview

The Facilitated Self Assessment (FSA) is to be completed by the AEDY Program no later than the week prior to the week of monitoring. The FSA includes both document uploads and text answer questions that address the following seven areas:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What information is needed to complete the FSA?

A: The required information for each section is detailed in this website module. A checklist is available by clicking on the button below for your use.

Q: By when do we need to complete the FSA?

A: The FSA should be completed by the AEDY Program the week prior to the week of monitoring. However, the sooner the better! Your monitoring chairperson will be able to provide more targeted supports prior to monitoring if the FSA is completed as early as possible.

Q: Who should complete the FSA?

A: The FSA should be completed by all parties who are knowledgeable of policies, procedures and practices of the AEDY program.

For each section of the FSA, a page is available with a snapshot of the FSA Checklist, an FAQ, and support documentation and resources in this module. The pages will provide additional context and support for completing the FSA.

Follow the steps below for a general overview of how to access and complete the FSA for your program site:

(Step 1) Navigate to www.pdeims.com

(Step 2) Login with your username and password, then select AEDY under "Program Monitoring and Accountability/AEDY."

Note: As of April 2023, the Leader Services platform has merged into the PDE Integrated Monitoring System (IMS). For more information on this, see the IMS page.

PDE IMS login screen
PDE IMS dashboard, the dropdown for program monitoring and accountability/AEDY has been opened and there is a red box around the AEDY link.

(Step 3) From your Leader Services AEDY Dashboard, click on the blue number in the box labeled "FSA."

AEDY dashboard with a red box around the FSA bucket.

(Step 4) From the FSA dashboard, click on the blue text "AEDY" in the "Monitoring" column to access the FSA.

FSA dashboard with a red box around the AEDY button under the monitoring column.

(Step 5) On the first page of the FSA, complete or edit the Contact Information fields: Contact Name, Job Title, and Email Address. This should be the contact information for the person completing the FSA.

First page of the FSA with blank contact information fields

When you are finished, click the "Save and Go to section 1" button at the bottom of the page.

screenshot of the save and go to section 1 button

(Step 6) Complete each of the seven FSA sections. Each section has 3 parts: the standards to be met/procedures to follow, the open-ended questions, and the uploads section. As you work to complete the FSA, remember to save your work often!

At the top of each FSA page, you will see "Click here for Standards to be Met/Procedures to follow." Click on this statement to see the popup. Review the questions with your AEDY Team and use the discussion to answer the open-ended questions about your program.

FSA 3 screenshot with a red box around the text click here for standards to be met/procedures to follow

Be sure to answer each of the open-ended questions with as much detail as possible. This helps your monitoring chairperson(s) better understand your AEDY program and operations.

Even if the question depends on a specific event which has not occurred, answer the questions using detailed information about your program's policies and procedures.

For example, FSA 2: Complaint Process, includes questions about patterns in complaints and how complaints are resolved. If your program has not had any complaints, answer these questions with how you would observe any patterns and resolve any complaints should they be filed.

screenshot of FSA textbox fields

At the bottom of each page, use the Upload Tool to provide all requested documents to the monitoring chairperson(s). For the complete list of what is required, see the FSA Checklist for LEAs & AEDY Programs available by clicking on the button below.

file upload tool screenshot

(Step 7) Review each section of the FSA for your program. Once all data is accurate and accounted for, send an email to your monitoring chairperson to let them know it is ready for review.