Monitoring Overview & Timeline

The AEDY Monitoring process is divided into three parts: pre-monitoring preparation, the week of monitoring, and Corrective Action. Every AEDY program is monitored as part of the AEDY monitoring cycle.

A table which outlines the timeline and party responsible for each step of the process is available following the video transcript.

Note: This video series was originally created for use in Schoology. While the video mentions Schoology, everything is now publicly available in the Monitoring module here on the website.

Slide: AEDY cyclical monitoring timeline

Video Transcript

Let's review the timeline for each program's AEDY Cyclical Monitoring within the monitoring cycle.

There are three major segments of the monitoring timeline: pre-monitoring preparation, the week of monitoring which is detailed in your monitoring letter, and corrective action. Each segment affects the others and your monitoring chair will work with your program throughout the process to ensure compliance and support your work. 

slide: monitoring timeline. 3 interlocked gears labeled pre-monitoring preparation, week of monitoring, and corrective action
slide. Central oval labeled pre-monitoring preparation with smaller bubbles attached labeled preparation meeting, notification, FSA, sending LEA surveys, interviews, student file uploads, and application support.

Pre-monitoring preparation is where most of the work is done. Completing and meeting all of the requirements and regulations during this stage can lighten the burden of corrective action later on. 

This stage beings with the notification of the monitoring sent by PDE followed by completion and review of this [module] which will be your resource for monitoring information throughout the process. Upon completion of the questionnaire at the end of the [module], your monitoring chair will schedule a review and monitoring preparation meeting. During this meeting, the AEDY Program and Sending LEAs will have the opportunity to ask questions about the monitoring process. Additional meetings such as the administrative interview and facility review are often scheduled during this call. Administrative interviews are typically conducted on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Then the work truly begins. The AEDY Program will complete all requirements of the Facilitated Self Assessment (FSA) which includes answering questions about program operations and providing documentation on policy, procedure, and practice. AEDY Programs should aim to complete all FSA questions and required uploads no later than two weeks prior to the week of monitoring.

The AEDY Program and Sending LEAs will work jointly to provide and upload all student files required for the monitoring which is detailed in the FSA checklist. These include documents like the Formal Periodic Reviews (FPRs), counseling logs, and special education documentation including Manifestation Determination Reviews for all students with disabilities. These files are only required for students who are in placement during the week of monitoring. AEDY Programs and sending LEAs should aim to complete all required student file uploads no later than two weeks prior to the week of monitoring. Files for students placed in the program after the two week prior mark should be uploaded as soon as possible.

The AEDY Program will provide links and access codes for interviews to be completed by AEDY Program staff and students. The program will also provide the link for parents and families to complete interviews. All initial interviews are completed online, although your chair is also able to conduct interviews via phone call if needed. The interview process will be explained in more detail later in this [module].

Each Sending LEA is responsible for completing a Sending LEA survey which describes the procedures and practices in place for referring students to the AEDY program. Only one staff member from each LEA who is responsible for referrals needs to complete this survey.

Finally, application support is available and provided by the monitoring chair during application renewals which can sometimes coincide with the monitoring cycle. Please make sure all staff and their required clearance and training information is up-to-date.

The week of monitoring is identified in the notification letter sent by PDE. During the week of monitoring, a facility review will be conducted. More on this later in our [module]. Student file reviews will be finalized by the AEDY team during this time. File reviews begin in the weeks leading up to the monitoring and files should be made available by the program and sending LEA as early as possible for those students who will be seated during the week of monitoring.

Interviews may be followed up on via phone call to individuals who did not complete the interview form or to clarify some responses.

The administrative interview, which typically takes 30-60 minutes, is a question and answer format where the monitoring chair will ask the AEDY program staff questions about policy, procedure, and practice. Sending LEAs also attend the interview to gain additional perspective on the program's inner working and implementation of the required policies, procedures, and practices. Following the interview, the AEDY Program will have until the end of the week of monitoring to make any changes to documentation provided in the FSA. More on the administrative interview later in our [module].

slide: week of monitoring. 4 boxes labeled facility review, student file reviews, interview follow-ups, and administrative interview.
slide: corrective action. 4 boxes labeled corrective action meeting, support meetings, ICAPs, and corrective action evidence and action plans.

The final stage of monitoring is corrective action. This stage beings following the week of monitoring. The Chairperson reviews all of the data collected from the program and individual student files and makes determinations of compliance. A Corrective Action meeting is scheduled within 30 days of the administrative interview. During this meeting, the monitoring chair will review all issued corrective action with the AEDY Program and Sending LEAs. Additional meetings to support the corrective action are typical while these pieces are being completed. Corrective action comes in the form of ICAPs - Individual Corrective action for student files - and FSA items which may require training, updating documentation for policy and procedures, or action planning. Please note that ICAPs are issued jointly to both the AEDY Program and Sending LEA. For confidentiality purposes, ICAPs are not reviewed at the Corrective Action meeting when multiple LEAs send to the program.

To review - Stage 1, the pre-monitoring preparation, beings as soon as the monitoring notice is sent by PDE. Remember that doing more work during this stage may result in less corrective action later. AEDY Programs should aim to complete all FSA questions and required uploads for FSA items and student files no later than two weeks prior to the week of monitoring. The date for the week of monitoring, stage 2, is identified in the letter from PDE. Stage 3, corrective action, beings when the corrective action is issued with 30 days of the administrative interview. Corrective action items, including ICAPs, evidence of change, and/or training plans, are due within 30 days of the corrective action being issued at the meeting. 

slide: timeline. 4 circles in sequential order. 1 - pre-monitoring preparation, 2- week-of monitoring, 3- corrective action is issued, 4 - corrective action is due

Below is an overview of each part of the monitoring process, including what needs to be completed and who is responsible for the completion:

Pre-Monitoring Preparation


Responsible Party


Notification of Monitoring


Your program will receive a notice of regular cyclical monitoring, inclusive of the scheduled week of monitoring, with sufficient notice to prepare all documentation.

Pre-Monitoring Preparation Meeting


Prior to the monitoring, your program will schedule a call with the chair of your monitoring. This call will review everything which needs to be completed prior to the monitoring and the monitoring process. This call also serves as an opportunity to answer any questions you may have about the monitoring. 


AEDY Program

The Facilitated Self Assessment (FSA) is to be completed in Leader Services at least two weeks prior to the week of monitoring or sooner. See the FSA pages for more details on completing the seven sections of the FSA.

Pre-Monitoring Survey

Sending LEAs

A Pre-Monitoring Visit Survey will be distributed to all Sending LEAs who have marked the AEDY Program as a Program Site in their application prior to the on-site monitoring visit. See Sending LEA Responsibilities for more details.


AEDY Program and stakeholders

Interviews about the AEDY program are to be distributed by the program to all stakeholder parties, including the Program Director, Counselors, Regular Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, ESL Teachers, Students, Parents, and any additional parties. See the Interviews page for more details.

Student Record Uploads

AEDY Program

Files for every student in placement during the week of monitoring must be uploaded to the monitoring section of the Leader Services site prior to the site visit. This includes the Formal Periodic Review with goals (initial FPR for recent placements) for all students and the following as applicable: Individualized English Learner plans, 504 plans, all special education documents. See the Student File Reviews page for details.

Facility Review

AEDY Program

The AEDY Program will provide a tour of the facilities which students access while seated in the program. This may occur on-site or virtually - see your monitoring chair and the Facility Review page for more details.

Week of Monitoring


Responsible Party


Student File Reviews


The AEDY Program will provide any and all student files kept on site, including uploads of any paper copies of the documents uploaded as part of the Student Record Review, Counseling records, and Behavior records. The PDE/PaTTAN team will use these documents to complete the student file review process and create the Individual Corrective Action Plans (ICAPs).

Interview Follow-Ups


The PDE/PaTTAN team may follow up on some interviews. This may include students, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders. The AEDY Program will provide an appropriate space for the interviews if the interviews will be conducted on-site.

Administrative Interview

PDE/PaTTAN & AEDY Program & Sending LEAs

The PDE/PaTTAN team will meet with the AEDY Program and all Sending LEAs to discuss the policies, procedures, and practices of the program. This interview is used to answer any questions that result from the FSA, interviews, or document review process. See the Administrative Interviews page for more details.

Corrective Action


Responsible Party


Corrective Action is Issued

Monitoring Chair

Within 30 days of the administrative interview, the Chair for your monitoring will issue Corrective Action, including the areas to be addressed and the required evidence of change. A meeting will be held with all parties to review the process and evidence of change needed for closure. See the Corrective Action page for more details.

Individual Student Files Corrective Action (ICAPs)

AEDY Program & Sending LEAs

The AEDY Program & Sending LEAs will address all ICAPs through the Leader Services system within 30 days of the report being issued. See the Corrective Action page for more details.

Corrective Action Evidence and Action Plan

AEDY Program

Within 30 days of receiving the Corrective Action, the AEDY Program will address the Corrective Action issued by the Chair. This includes providing evidence of change for items which have already been addressed and an Action Plan to address long-term systemic changes. Corrective Action also often includes training and technical assistance. See the Corrective Action page for more details.