Uploading Files for the Student Record Review

Uploading Files for the Student Record Review

Student Record Reviews are a large part of the monitoring process. The PDE/PaTTAN AEDY team will review the files and records for every student currently seated in the program. Files for students with disabilities will be reviewed by a BSE adviser.


Q: Which students do we need to provide files for?

A: All students in placement during the week of monitoring require the full set of files. Additionally, restraint documents must be uploaded for any students who were restrained, dated from the placement date of the student who has been In Placement the longest (e.g. if Mark was seated 1 year ago, provide all restraint records for the last year). This includes students who are no longer seated, but have restraint documentation during that timeframe.

Q: What files should be uploaded under Student Records?


To complete the Student Record Reviews prior to the week of monitoring, follow the steps below:

(Step 1) From the FSA dashboard, click the blue "Student Records" text in the "Student Record" column.

FSA dashboard with a red box around the student records button.

(Step 2) For each student, click on the blue "View/Upload Documents" text in the "Action" column of the student's row.

*Note that this table can be sorted by clicking on the headers in blue at the top of the columns. For example, click "referral statuses" to sort by referral status and group all students In Placement.

Screenshot of the student record review table.

(Step 3) From the individual student's record page, first, choose a file to upload by clicking the "Choose File" button (letter A in the image below). After choosing a file from your computer, use the drop down menu to select the file type (letter B in the image below). If another description or file name is needed for clarification, use the text box to provide the information (letter C in the image below). Finally, click the "Upload" button to complete the file upload (letter D in the image below).

Repeat this step until all files for the individual student have been uploaded.

screenshot of the student record review upload tool.

(Step 4) Repeat steps 3 and 4 for every student currently seated in the AEDY program.