2023-2024 Announcements Archive
June 5, 2024
Wishing you a well-deserved restful summer! 🌞
Here are the top 3 things you need to know this month about AEDY:
1. End of Year Reporting 📋
End of year reporting is DUE by June 30, 2024. End of year reporting is required for all sending LEAs and In-House AEDY Programs, including those who did not seat any students during the 2023-2024 school year. More information is available here on the website.
2. Reminder: Update Contact Information! 📞
Does your team have new members? Or perhaps you are leaving your position at the end of the school year? Remember to update the contact information in your AEDY application! Click the links below for a step-by-step guide. AEDY Programs should also update staffing changes, as needed.
3. 2024-2025 Training Calendar 📆
Good news! AEDY Training for the 2024-2025 school year is now available for registration! Check out our flyer available here or see it all on the website here! Most registration links are already available for your team so be sure to share around!
For a full calendar of events relevant to the AEDY field, check out the AEDY Calendar available here.
May 3, 2024
Almost there! Here are the top 4 things you need to know this month about AEDY:
1. End of Year Reporting 📋
Attend our webinar on May 7th at 10am to learn how to file an accurate report. Click here to register! [link no longer available]
End of year reporting is DUE by June 30, 2024. End of year reporting is required for all sending LEAs and In-House AEDY Programs, including those who did not seat any students during the 2023-2024 school year. More information is available here on the website.
2. 2024-2025 Training Calendar 📆
Good news! AEDY Training for the 2024-2025 school year is now available for registration! Check out our flyer available here or see it all on the website here! Most registration links are already available for your team so be sure to share around!
For a full calendar of events relevant to the AEDY field, check out the AEDY Calendar available here.
3. Reminder: Update Contact Information! 📞
Does your team have new members? Or perhaps you are leaving your position at the end of the school year? Remember to update the contact information in your AEDY application! Click the links below for a step-by-step guide. AEDY Programs should also update staffing changes, as needed.
4. AEDY MTSS Updates for Programs Only 📢
The PDE AEDY Program Requirements include providing multi-tiered systems of support for students. There have been some shifts in the support format at PaTTAN.
All MTSS support from PaTTAN for districts (In-House AEDY Programs) must now be requested through the PaTTAN Technical Assistance Module (TAM). You will choose the “systemic customized supports” option.
Private AEDY Programs - if you have not already completed the MTSS Survey, please do so here.
All programs may reach out to Bethany Sidella (bsidella@pattan.net) to verify supports.
April 4, 2024
April showers bring May End of Year Reporting! Here are the top 4 things you need to know this month about AEDY:
*NEW* AEDY Trainings Coming Up 🚂
(Student Referrals Training | April 8, 10am - 11:30am) A full review of the AEDY Referrals system in Leader Services/IMS! This training will use fictitious student referrals to walk through every step of the process, including creating the referral, the student's time in the AEDY program, and the transition back to LEA. We will also discuss common questions. This is a *live* and *open* virtual session that will not be recorded, so be sure to share with all new and returning staff who have access to the referrals system! Click here to register! [link no longer available]
(End of Year Reporting | May 7, 10am - 11am) Everything you need to know about end of year reporting! End of year reporting is required for all sending LEAs and In-House AEDY Programs, including those who did not seat any students during the 2023-2024 school year. Attend this webinar to learn how to file an accurate report. Click here to register! [link no longer available]
For a full calendar of events relevant to the AEDY field, check out the AEDY Calendar available here.
Sending LEAs: Important AEDY Tasks 🔑
Want the highlights of what's important for your LEA? A printable and clickable flyer with all the information you need is available here!*NEW* Website Pages 📃
Can't find what you're looking for on the AEDY website? Try the new Site Map, available as a link at the bottom of every page.
To help support those new to the field and those who are delving into new areas for the first time, we have created a new page on the AEDY website: Acronyms & Glossary. Be sure to share around and let us know if you think something is missing!Featured Content: Student-Led Formal Periodic Review👨🎓
Did you miss our March Community of Practice? Check out the recording and all resources from the presentation by Allison Tucker from the Bangor Area School District In-House AEDY Program on their Student-Led Formal Periodic Review process. Click here to access all shared resources!
March 5, 2024
March is here like a lion but with Spring break in sight! Here are the top 3 things you need to know this month about AEDY:
Stakeholder Survey - please complete!
Make yourself heard! Please take 10 minutes to complete the stakeholder feedback survey found here so we can continue to provide the most useful supports to the field next school year. Both LEA and AEDY Program staff should complete this survey, thank you!
*NEW* Acronyms & Glossary
To help support those new to the field and those who are delving into new areas for the first time, we have created a new page on the AEDY website: Acronyms & Glossary. Be sure to share around and let us know if you think something is missing!
Featured Popup Practice: Structured Breaks
4. Coming Up
(Community of Practice | March 21, 10am) This year, our AEDY communities of practice will feature successful strategies shared by AEDY programs. Each session features a different program and strategy. Click here for more information and to register! [link no longer available]
❗❗ (End of Year Reporting Webinar | May 7, 10am) The end of the school year is right around the corner! Be sure to register for this webinar to walk through the AEDY end of year reporting requirements for Sending LEAs and In-House Programs. Click here to register! [link no longer available]
(PaTTAN LEEI Team | Strategies for Defusing and Preventing Challenging Behavior | March 20, 9am) This training aims to provide in-the-moment regulation activities an educator can utilize when a student's behavior escalates, as well as long term strategies an educator can use to increase the odds of helping students maintain a regulated state. Participants will learn the phases of escalation, identify behaviors associated with each phase, and incorporate associated strategies designed to defuse behavior into an individualized plan. Participants will also learn strategies to encourage appropriate behavior to prevent challenging behaviors. Click here for more information and to register! [link no longer available]
(BSE | Step by Step Guide to Implementing Positive Behavior Support Plans | March 20, 6pm) This session will present an analysis of positive behavior support plans that includes the critical components to consider when writing the plan. Behavior plans should consist of antecedent interventions to reduce motivation to engage in the problem behavior, a socially appropriate alternative behavior that will be taught to replace the problem behavior, and strategies for how staff will prevent the problem behavior from contacting reinforcement when it does occur. Practical interventions for teaching appropriate communication and paring instruction with improving conditions will be discussed. A focus on identifying the function, or functions, of problem behavior and then designing a plan that includes instructional goals to teach appropriate replacement behavior will be emphasized. Opportunities to discuss teaching protocols and classroom systems will also be provided. Click here for more information and to register! [link no longer available]
For a full calendar of events relevant to the AEDY field, check out the AEDY Calendar available here.
February 5, 2024
Now that your second semester is in full swing, here is your February update from the PaTTAN AEDY Team! These are the top 3 things you need to know this month:
Stakeholder Survey
It's that time of year! Please take 10 minutes to complete the stakeholder feedback survey found here so we can continue to provide the most useful supports to the field next school year. Both LEA staff and program should complete this survey, thank you!
Mid-year Check-ups
As we head into the second half of the school year, now is a good time to:
Update the contact information and staffing sections of your application
Update your MTSS Action Plan
Reflect on data collection procedures (e.g. behavior data, counseling logs, student/parent/staff feedback, etc.)
Coming Up
(Community of Practice | March 21, 10am) This year, our AEDY communities of practice will feature successful strategies shared by AEDY programs. Each session features a different program and strategy. Click here for more information and to register! [link no longer available]
(Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Tier 2 Interventions and Adaptations | Feb. 20, 8:30am) Presented by the PaTTAN LEEI Team. We will cover adaptations for fading and intensifying, progress monitoring, measuring Tier 2 fidelity of practices and systems, and evaluating overall student outcomes. Click here for more information and to register! [link no longer available]
(MTSS Meetups | Feb. 21, 3:15pm) These virtual gatherings are intended to connect practitioners from the K-12 setting to share relevant information on topics related to classroom experiences. Focus: Small group instruction. Click here for more information and to register! [link no longer available]
(PDE Conference | Feb. 28 - March 1 | Hershey Lodge) Click here for information and registration! [link no longer available] This year's conference is available in person and virtually.
For a full calendar of events relevant to the AEDY field, check out the AEDY Calendar available here.
January 4, 2024
🎊Happy New Year and welcome back! We hope your holiday break was restful and restorative. For your New Years Update from the PaTTAN AEDY Team, here are the top 3 things you need to know this month:
Reminder: Update Contacts and Staffing Lists
The start of a new semester is a great time to check that the contact information in your AEDY Application is accurate! Sending LEAs and Programs should update the information on the Contact Information page and Programs should also verify staffing lists on the Staff pages of the application.
Mid-Year Roster Checks
Are your student referrals in the right buckets? Now is the time to check! Ensure all referrals are accurately marked, deactivate old referrals, and close referrals for students who have returned to your LEA. Programs should also check that all dates are correct and FPRs are uploaded. Click here for more information on conducting a mid-year roster check. Completing these tasks now will make End of Year Reporting a breeze!
Coming Up
(AEDY Community of Practice | Jan. 25, 10am) This year, our AEDY communities of practice will feature successful strategies shared by AEDY programs. Each session features a different program and strategy. This month, we'll be joined by Bethesda Lutheran Services who will speak on Creating Community Connections. Click here for more information and to register! [link no longer available]
(PDE Conference | Feb. 28 - March 1 | Hershey Lodge) Making a Difference: Educational Practices that Work! Click here for more information about this conference. [link no longer available]
For a full calendar of events relevant to the AEDY field, check out the AEDY Calendar available here.
October 16, 2023
Good morning! For your October Update from the PaTTAN AEDY Team, here are the top 3 things you need to know this month:
Informal Hearing Procedures for LEAs
A common piece of corrective action for Sending LEAs is writing/updating a procedure for informal hearings. It is crucial that Sending LEAs have a procedure in place to ensure informal hearing requirements outlined in the AEDY Guidelines, the AEDY BEC, and in accordance with 22 Pa. Code §12.8(c) are met in a timely manner. Additionally, LEAs should ensure all administrators responsible for informal hearings have been trained in the procedure. For support in writing an effective procedure, check out this Popup Practice!
Using the Transfer Referral Button
When a student remains in an AEDY Placement but has changed LEAs or AEDY Programs, the Transfer Referral button is appropriate. Importantly, AEDY Programs should NOT exit the student's referral when a student will remain in an AEDY Placement in a different program. This preserves the student's placement date, days in placement, and FPR/PED dates. The transfer referral button is only available to Sending LEAs. Instructions on how to use this feature can be found here on our website.
Coming Up
(AEDY Community of Practice | October 19, 10am) This year, our AEDY communities of practice will feature successful strategies shared by AEDY programs. Each session features a different program and strategy. This month, we'll be joined by River Rock Academy who will discuss writing a behavior matrix with student input and intervention supports.
(BSE Webinar | Establishing Cooperative Learners Through Engagement and Fun Learning Opportunities | October 18, 6pm) During this networking session, we will focus on replicable strategies for positively engaging learners while accounting for individual differences. Opportunities to discuss teaching protocols and classroom systems will be available. Click here for more information and to register! [link no longer available]
(PaTTAN | PA PBIS Implementers Forum | November 1 - 3) This year's conference, “2023 MTSS and PBIS: Building Community from Science to Practice,” will be held November 1-3, 2023, at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center, in Hershey, Pennsylvania! (There will not be a virtual attendance option). Click here for more information and to register! [Link no longer available].
August 19, 2023
Below are 4 important reminders/updates and upcoming training opportunities. Please reach out to your AEDY point of contact or aedy@pattan.net with any questions you may have!
Maintaining 45 Day Timelines for Expelled Students
Students must receive a Formal Periodic Review every 45 days or fewer while seated in AEDY, including students who have been expelled. Leader Services calculates the 45 day period while students are in placement - upload the FPR document every 45 days and click “Determine next 45 day review date” to show the next deadline for this meeting. Find more instructions with screenshots here on our website.
Reminder: Updated FPR Template
The template for the Formal Periodic Review was updated in May, 2023 and can be found here for your use (available as Word and Google Docs). Some adjustments include space for more clarity in interventions, academic credit tracking, and additional structure for transition/exit planning.
Adjust the Current Grade Level for In Placement Students
A new feature for students whose grade level has changed since their placement was started, Sending LEAs can now adjust current grade levels for students at any time. Instructions are available here on the website.
Upcoming Training Opportunities
Highlights of upcoming opportunities are listed below with registration links! You can see more available trainings and flyers to share on the AEDY Calendar found here.
Community of Practice | First Meeting Sept. 21, 10am
This year, our AEDY communities of practice will feature promising practices shared by AEDY programs. Each session features a different program and strategy. Click here for more information and to register! [link no longer available]
⭐Live Webinar - AEDY Referrals Training | Sept. 26, 10am
Start the year off right with a full review of the AEDY Referrals system in Leader Services/IMS! This is a *live* and *open* virtual session that will not be recorded, so be sure to share with all new and returning staff who have access to the referrals system!
Click here to register! [link no longer available]
Live Webinar - Planning for Success: Efficient and Effective Behavioral Screening and Intervention | Sept. 27, 10am
Presented by: Dr. Katherine Parker, Assistant Professor at The Citadel
September 27, 2023 at 10am
Click here for more information and to register! [link no longer available]
Live Webinar - EL-ILLP Training & Support | Oct. 6, 9:30am
Do you have questions about how to use the English Learner Individual Language Learner Plan (EL-ILLP)? Come and ask the expert! Dr. Sylvia Martinez will be responding to questions from the field during this LIVE session that will not be recorded.
🎉 Welcome back to the 23-24 School Year! 🎉
Sending LEA Applications and In House Applications
If you have not submitted your application please do so. Sending LEAs will not be able to refer and AEDY Programs will not be able to seat students without an approved application. **Students who are already seated must return to their LEA without approved applications**
New AEDY Sites
We want to welcome our new AEDY sites that were approved this summer:
Chester County IU 24
Intermediate Unit 1 @ McMurray
Upcoming Trainings
(Safe and Supportive Learning Environments: Prevention Before the Crisis Summit)
August 16-17th at PaTTAN Harrisburg (In-Person)
Day 1- Prevention Before the Crisis
Day 2- Begin with Co-Regulation in Mind
(Planning for Success: Efficient and Effective Behavioral Screening and Intervention)
Presented by: Dr. Katherine Parker, Assistant Professor at The Citadel
September 27, 2023 at 10am
Click here for more information and to register! [link no longer available]
(Community of Practice) This year, our AEDY communities of practice will feature successful strategies shared by AEDY programs. Each session features a different program and strategy. Click here for more information and to register! [link no longer available]
(Promising Practices) Fill out the form found here to share a promising practice currently in use in your AEDY program and the chance to be featured in an upcoming Popup Practice! The Promising Practice can be new or something you have done for a long time - it just needs to be something that's going well! You can also choose to complete the form to nominate a practice from one of your colleagues.
New to AEDY?
Our team has constructed a page of training resources related to AEDY from both the sending LEA perspective as well as the program perspective. Click here for AEDY Essentials
June 28, 2023
(Updated Formal Periodic Review Template) The template for the Formal Periodic Review has been updated! The revised template now comes in two versions, MS Word and Google Docs, and includes additional fields to support your AEDY Program’s work. A special thanks to those who provided feedback during the revision process! The revised templates and annotated edition can be found here as well as on the homepage.
(Popup Practices Season 2) Season 2 of our Popup Practices series began with a surprise early release of ChatGPT in the Classroom in June! The season will continue after the summer break. All episodes of Popup Practices can be found here on our website.
(Promising Practices) Does your AEDY Program have a Promising Practice to share? Several Popup Practices this year will feature real practices from real programs - fill out this form (also linked on the home page) for a chance to have your practice shared!
(Community of Practice) Registration for the fall sessions of Community of Practice is now open! Each session will feature an AEDY program sharing how they have implemented an effective practice in their program. Dates, times, registration, and more information can be found here on our website [link no longer available].
(Cyclical Monitoring Module) The AEDY Cyclical Monitoring Module is now live! This module, previously hosted in Schoology, can be accessed by anyone at any time. For programs and sending LEAs being monitored, your team should aim to complete the module and fill out the form at the end two months prior to your week of monitoring.
(2023-24 Cyclical Monitoring) Monitoring notice letters for the 2023-24 school year have been issued to all programs and sending LEAs involved. The monitoring letter includes contact information for the chair of the monitoring - the chair can be contacted at any time with questions or for additional information.
(Private Programs Reminder) All Private AEDY Providers should be reminded to update their staffing lists and training dates within the current application. This section of the application is always open and can be updated at any time. There is no need to resubmit the application, just be sure to save the changes! Instructions on editing the staffing can be found here.
(EOY Reporting) End of year reporting is DUE June 30, 2023 (required for all Sending LEAs, including In-House AEDY Programs). Please follow the instructions found here on our website to submit your EOY report.
(Applications) Sending LEA and In-House AEDY Program Applications will EXPIRE on June 30, 2023. AEDY Programs will not be able to operate and Sending LEAs will not be able to refer students until an approved application is in place for the 2023-2025 cycle. See the Applications page for support.